Part 35- Movie Marathon

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Rachel's POV

Nando's yesterday was definitely eventful to say the least! But it's made me realise how much Joe cares about me! Me, Erin, Joe and Jack were going to have a movie marathon tonight. Joe and Jack were going to get snacks whilst Erin and I picked the movies. 

"Right, we're gonna go now!" Joe said, giving me a kiss. 

"How long do you think you's will be?!" Erin asked whilst giving Jack a hug. 

"About an hour tops!" Jack replied.

"Ok bye!" I said. And with that, they left. Erin made us a drink whilst I put Netflix on. Once she came back with the drinks, we started. 

"How about F the prom?" I asked as I flicked through.

"Somehow I don't think the boys will like that!" Erin laughed. 

"true! I laughed. 

"Oh my god!" Erin said. "We have to watch the Duff!"

"Write it down!" I laughed. 

"What about the 5th wave?!" Erin asked. 

"Yes! I love that movie. And put down kick ass and kick ass 2!" I laughed.

"You read my mind!" Erin laughed as she wrote stuff down.

"I think that's enough! I laughed. 

"True, we might not even get through all these!" Erin laughed. 

"If we do we're amazing!" I laughed. 

"Yeah!" she said. "So, Jack's staying over, is Joe?!"

"Yeah!" I answered. "Erin, can I tell you something?!"

"Sure!" Erin said. 

"Well, I think i'm ready!" I said.

"What?!" she asked. "Oh, for you and Joe to have sex!"

"Erin, do you have to be so forward?!" I asked, laughing.

"Yep!" she replied, popping the 'p'. "But am I right?!"

"Ok yes!" I admitted. 

"That's great!" she said, "use protection though!"

"Yes Mum!" I laughed. 


After about an hour of random conversations, my phone rang. That's weird, it's Jack. Why would he call me and not Erin?!

"Who is it?!" Erin asked. 

"Jack" I replied.

"Well, answer it then!" Erin laughed. 

I answered the phone.

"Hey Jack!" I said. 

"Rachel!" Jack said, well basically shouted. 

"What!" I laughed. 

"You need to get to the hospital!" Jack said. My mood suddenly dropped.

"What, why??!" I asked, worried.

"It's Joe!" Jack said. 

"What about him?!" I asked, jolting up, tears in my eyes.

"Rachel!" Jack said. "Joe's been stabbed!"

End of part 35

Authors note:



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