Part 51- Victim!

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Rachel's POV

I'd lost track of time of how long I'd been in this hell hole! Harvey beat me all the time. He said there were two reasons behind it; one, to make up for the time he was on the run and couldn't beat me and two, because I deserve every ounce of pain I get. I'd been fed four times since being here, given a slice of stale bread and was only allowed one cup of water a day. He'd untie me every few hours to go to the toilet. I tried to escape the first time but it was no good. Plus, I was punished worse after! My body is weak! The cuts from when he dragged his knife across my skin, the scars from when he whipped me, they're all starting to become infected. My body aches over. Lashings of pain cascade through my empty heart. I've finally come to the fact that i'm never getting out of here. I'll never escape successfully. I'll never see Joe again....

Joe's POV

It's been two weeks since Rachel was taken! Two weeks! And still nothing! I miss her so much. The thought of never seeing her again breaks my heart, especially after how things ended last time we saw each other. My heart was a broken puzzle, that couldn't be put together. 

Erin's POV

I can't believe my best friend has been missing for two weeks! How could Harvey do this to Rachel?! She is the kindest person I've ever met! No one deserves this, especially not her! I need my best friend back! She needs to be ok; she has to be!

Rachel's POV

After falling into an exhausted slumber, Harvey burst through the door and started untying me. 

"W-what are you doing?!" I asked, scared and confused. 

"Taking you to my room!" he spat. 

"W-why?!" I asked, only to be answered with a slap to the face. 

"Stop asking questions!" Harvey yelled. "Thanks to you calling the police, I can't get with any other girls, so you'll have to do!" He dragged me to his room.

"No!" I screamed and sobbed. "I don't want to!" He punched me in the face, causing me to fall on the bed. He took off my clothes. I tried to put up a fight but he was just too strong! He taped my hands to the bed so I was lying on my stomach. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him slip on protection. 

"Please no!" I screamed and sobbed. He slapped me.

"Shut up!" Harvey screamed. "I don't care if you don't enjoy this, it's happening!"

And with that, he entered me, with me hating every second of it. Every time I tried to squirm away, his grip tightened. 

Afterwards, he left me and locked the door as he left the room. I was left lying on the bed naked. 

Never in my life did I think, 

I'd be the victim of rape!

End of part 51

Authors note:

Hi guys! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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