Part 12- Weird sensation

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Rachel's POV

It was 5:55pm. I was ready but Erin was panicking. She's always worrying about how she looks. But she doesn't need to. She's stunning. She's always been the stunning one out of us two! She's always criticizing herself on how she looks, but it's never annoying. I just wish she realized how stunning she actually is!

5 minutes Later

The uber had just pulled up. There was a knock on the door. Erin was double checking her hair in the mirror, so I answered it. It was Joe, and he looked hot! Wait, Rachel! You're not thinking straight! If he picks up on you having a crush on him- or was it more than a crush?!- he'll think you're stupid, desperate, easy! You have to stop thinking about him!

Joe's POV

When Rachel answered the door, I was gobsmacked. She looked unbelievable! I've only ever seen her without make up on, she has natural beauty, but she looked just as gorgeous with make up on. But the amazing thing about her is she doesn't over-do it; she doesn't wear skin tight dresses and ten inch heels. She's wearing a lovely, lose hanging pastel pink dress, with a pair of nude ballet pumps. Her make up is natural but amazing. She wears what she's comfortable wearing, not caring about other people's opinions! That's one of the many things I loved about her! Woah Joe, snap out of it! Did you just say love! You can't love her! She won't want another man after what she's been through! Stop it! She doesn't feel the same! 

Rachel's POV

"Hi!" I said to Joe. 

"Hey!" he said, grinning. "You look lovely!"  Oh my god! Joe said I look lovely! Wait, calm down Rachel! He was just saying it to be friendly. You have to stop! He only sees you as a friend, nothing more!

"Thank you!" I said, feeling myself blush. Rachel, stop blushing! He'll think you're an idiot! Erin came up to us. 

"Ready to go?!" Joe asked us. We nodded and left. 

Erin's POV

When we walked into the restaurant, I saw a group of boys. But one stood out from the rest. He had gorgeous blonde hair and tattoos on his arm. And not to mention, an amazing chizzled jaw! It wasn't until Rachel snapped her fingers in front of my face, that my train of thought was broken. The blonde addoness walked up to me. Oh my god! He's walking up to me! Don't freak out Erin! Act casual!

"Hi i'm Jack!" he introduced him, grinning. 

"E-erin!" I said, holding my hand out, trying to be casual. Instead, he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. He smelt amazing! Woah, what was this weird sensation i'm feeling?!

End of part 12

Authors note:

Hope you enjoyed the part! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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