Part 1- Is he actually the one?

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Rachel's POV

You always dream of finding the one. That one person you want to spend the rest of your life with. The person you want to be yours forever. I honestly thought I had met the one, until it all came crashing down on me. 

Wait! I can't go into all that yet! Give me a minute! You don't even know who I am! Let me introduce myself! Hi, I'm Rachel! I'm a 22 year old youtuber from London. I've always lived in London, born and bred! I have a fairly successful Youtube channel, actually it's going amazing, but I don't like to brag; i'm one of the humblest people you'll ever meet. I have 6.4 million subscribers, 4 million instagram followers and 3.8 million twitter followers, and I'm so grateful for each one of them. I love all my fans and supporters; I wouldn't be where I was today without them, I don't take a single one of them for granted!

I have no proper family, well I do, somewhere. My biological Mum and Dad put me up for adoption when I was born. All I know is that they were only 16 when I was born. My adopted parents died when I was 19 from a car accident. So for a while, it's been just me. Well, me and my best friend Erin! She's originally from Ireland but moved to London when we were 6. We became best friends instantly, and are still thick as thieves now! (A/N- Thanks for that saying Mam!) Tphe only downside is, she moved back to Ireland when we were 17. Her Dad got a job out there so they moved back. She still came and stayed when my parents died, but she eventually had to leave. I miss her loads but we talk everyday! She's a youtuber too! It's weird because we have the same amount of subscribers, instagram followers and twitter followers. Our dream is to finally do a collab together! 

You's might think, oh that's so sad, you're all alone. Well actually, I have a boyfriend, Harvey. We've been dating for two years. The first year was great, but since then it's been awful; he abuses me, physically and mentally. Now you's might think, well Rachel, why don't you just leave him?! And that's a good question! But, when he's having a good day, it's amazing, it's like then, he's the person I fell in love with. But deep down now, after everything, I don't think he's the one. 

End of Part 1

Authors note:

Hi guys! I'm back with a new story! Hope you's like it so far! Shoutout to @ErinClarke8 who's my internet best friend. She's the Erin who's in this story. We have said to eachother for ages, I could have a story which is about us and Joe Sugg and Jack Maynard. Erin and I have our own world, an escape you might call it; Joe is my fiance and Jack is Erin's. It's lovely to share something fun like this with someone. She understands me and I understand her, that's why she's my internet best friend and that's why I had to do a story on it! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

 By the way guys, @ErinClarke8 made my cover!  

PS: If you haven't already, maybe try my other story called Adopted by Joe Sugg! I know the main character in this story and my other story are both called Rachel, but just so you's know, the two stories aren't linked in anyway! x

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