Part 22- Pigeon Problem!

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Rachel's POV

I woke up to a flapping noise. I felt a draft on the back of my neck. Everyone else was asleep. I read my phone to see it was 10:08am. I also saw I had a text from Joe from eight minutes ago. He moved out a few days ago.

Joe: Hope you enjoyed your pamper party!

I quickly replied.

Me: I did thank you!

There was still a draft on the back of my neck, and a flapping noise! I turned around and was shocked at what I saw!

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?!" they all asked, jolting up.

"There's a bloody pigeon in the bloody flat!" I screamed. They all stood up.

"Erin, I told you to close the bloody window last night!" I yelled, terrified.

"I'm sorry!" Erin yelled in fear. Pigeons were one of my biggest fears! I hate them! The pigeon flew over us! We all screamed.

"My room now!" Erin screamed. We all ran into her room.

"What are you doing?!" Poppy said with a panicked tone as I looked through my phone. I did the only thing I could think of. I dialed the number.

"Hey!" Joe said.

"Joe!" I yelled.

"Woah, what's up?!" Joe said, panicked. Just then I heard plates smashing in the kitchen. Great! Just great!

"There's a pigeon in the bloody kitchen!" I screamed in the phone.

"What?!" he yelled, laughing.

"A pigeon is in the bloody kitchen!" I screamed. "We're hiding in Erin's room!"

"I'm on my way!" Joe laughed. "I still have the keys to the flat!" With that, I hung up.


After about five minutes, I heard footsteps in the kitchen, and clashing and yelling. After a whole load of clattering, there was a knock on Erin's door. I opened it to see Joe and Alfie standing there, grinning from ear to ear. I jumped into Joe's arms.

"Woah!" Joe laughed.

"I bloody hate pigeons!" I said. When I broke out the hug, Joe was smirking.

"Sugg!" I said. "If you so happen to break one laugh, I'll end you!"

End of part 22

Authors note:

Hi guys, hope you's like the new chapter! I wrote this to be quite a light-hearted and funny chapter, since this book is quite serious in many ways, I wanted to make people laugh. I hope it worked! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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