Part 5- I'll be back!

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Rachel's POV

Joe and I had just arrived at the police station; Joe and the doctor persuaded me to report Harvey and the abuse. It had gone on for too long! We were just about to go inside when I pulled Joe to the side.

"You don't have to go in with
me!" I said. "You've already done more than enough for me!"

"It's ok, you shouldn't have to go through this alone!" he answered. giving a supportive smile. I'm sure I recognized his face from somewhere.

"But that's the thing. I don't think I can do it at all!" I admitted, tears in my eyes.

"Yes you can! You've already been so brave and so strong. Just one more step!" Joe explained. I gave a weak nod. Joe put his arm around me and we walked into the building, up to the front desk.

"How can I help you?!" the lady at the front desk asked.

"I-i'd like to report a-abuse" I said, nervously.

"Ok, i'll get an officer to come and collect you." she said.

"Thank you!" I said, and Joe and I sat down.

"Joe?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he asked, facing me and smiling.

"Obviously you don't have to and I don't expect you to. You likely won't want to b-" I said, but interrupted.

"Of course i'll come in with you!" Joe said, smiling, putting his hand on top of mine. I didn't flinch this time, or move my hand away.

"Thanks!" I said.

Five minutes later, we were in the interview room.

"So." the police officer said. "You've been abused. By who?"

"My boyfriend!" I said, anxiously.

"How long has it been going on for?!" she asked.

"Around a year!" I answered. I felt Joe's hand on mine tense up. Like he was mad! I must just be imagining things. I don't think that would make him mad. He barely knows me!

"Is he the reason for the cast on your arm?!" she asked.

"Yes!" I answered.

"How did that happen?!" she asked.

"He was squeezing my wrist too hard. He refused to let me go. He said it was my fault and that I deserved the pain!" I answered.

"Have you got proof?!" she asked.

"Yes, we were in the coffee shop!" I answered.

"And they'll be cameras in there!" Joe pointed out.

About ten minutes later, an officer came in, whispered something into the policewoman's ear and left.

"Well" she said. "We have enough evidence to make an arrest!" I gave a weak smile and we left.


"Police! Open up!" one of the police officers shouted, banging on Harvey's door. "Harvey Smith, open up!" Joe and I were outside Harvey's house, waiting for him to be arrested. Joe could sense I was shaking, so put his arm around me.

They kicked the door open and ran in, Joe and I followed. They searched the house.

"No sign of anyone!" one of them said. "Looks like he's done a runner!"

I saw a note on the table. I read it.

'I knew you'd call the police, you little bitch!

I'm not going down for giving you what you deserved. You're

a lowlife slapper! You'd be nowhere without me! I'll

be back! You'll pay for this, big time!

See you soon,


"Oh god!" I gulped.

End of Part 5

Author's note:

Hi guys! Hope you's are liking the story! I love you all and thanks for all the love and support! Well, until next time!

Rachel x

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