Chapter 62

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"You have fought valiantly. Lord Voldemort knows how to value bravery. Yet you have sustained heavy losses. If you continue to resist me, you will all die, one by one. I do not wish this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste. Lord Voldemort is merciful. I command my forces to retreat immediatly. You have one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured"

"I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, then battle recommences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and i shall find you, and I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me. One hour" Voldemort hissed.

"Dont listen to him" i said immediatly and dropped Snape's hand "he's bluffing. He doesnt have the guts to come out and fight by himself. These past months his strongest weapon? Its been his 17 year old daughter and her 47 year old mother!" i said and grabbed instead the front of Harry's robes.

"You cant possibly be concidering going to him!" i pleaded

"What would you care anyway? Your just like him, you dont care about us" Harry hissed.

"Harry!" Hermione said.

I dropped my hands from his collar "fine" i said coldly and shoved him away "go. Go die! See if i care, but ill tell you this. The ones who will care, those are the ones out there fighting! Screw you"

I crawled into the space him and his friends had been in and stormed back to the castle.I didnt care that itd be easier to walk. Right now this time i was using it to think. When exactly to reveal my true colors?

I cast a disoloushment charm on myself then walked into the castle. People were streaming around bringing in the dead to the Great Hall. It was full of dead bodies and live bodies crying over them.

I walked to the throng of red heads and recognized my love immediatly.

The sectumsempra hadnt left any marks on him so he was still looking handsome.

"Fredy" i whispered and leaned over him. I was shoved out of the way though by George, he was sobbing over Fred's body.

"George Ginny? Where's Fred?" Molly asked coming into the Great Hall.

"M-Mum" George sobbed and threw his arms over his mother. The rest of the Weasley's began to stream in and they all broke down just moments after entering the room.

George wandered away from his twin though and instead went over to a solitary boy who had mousy brown hair, he had only one person crying over him, a petite girl with long brown hair, cracked thick glasses and a slightly swollen belly. She was screaming as she cried, not caring who heard or saw her she just grabbed at his clothes and cried.

George put a hand on the small of her back and she turned around, a milisecond later shed thrown her arms around him and was sobbing into his chest, he was sobbing into her shoulder and they were hugging each other for dear life.

I finally recognized her as Gigi Creevey and the fallen boy was her brother, Colin. George loved Gigi very much, and his twin daughters that had been born in September, but he hadnt seen them because Gigi had to go into hiding.

Her parents and youngest brother had been killed by my mother, she only had 1 brother left now, 1 family member in the entire world.

"How sad" i whispered softly.

Whats worse, having plenty of family who are evil? Or having none at all?

I gave one final glance towards Fred then i stalked off. I followed Harry to Dumbl-Sna- The Head master's office.

He slipped the silver sliver's of Snape's orifices into what looked like a metal boogey board. When the bottle was empty he emersed his head into it.

I stood stalk still.

A minute passed by.... then 2... then 5.... then 10.... until 20 minutes had passed nad finally Harry's head rose again.

He had this deluded look on his face and he looked around confused. Then his jaw hardened and he stormed out of the room with a hard look on his face and his invisibilty cloak thrown over him.

I had to jog to catch up to him. I stayed behind a pillar everytime hhe rounded a corner though to avoid being seen.

He told Longbottom to kill the snake and cast a forlorn gaze at the weasel-ette before he ran off to the forest.

He stopped right before he disappeared into the forest and took a snitch out of his pocket.

"I am about to die" he whispered pressing it to his lips. The edge of the snitch opened up and showed a small black stone with the deathly hallows symbol engraved in the middle of it.

He rolled it 3 times in his hand and then 4 people appeared, or more like their ghosts did.

There were 3 guys and 1 girl, the first male that i noticed looked exactly like Harry except for the eyes, the eyes belonged to the female who had red hair and was very beautiful, there was my cousin's husband and then there was my Uncle, Sirius. They all had smiles on their faces, happy to see him.

"You've been so brave" the female said

"You are nearly there" Harry's dad said "Very close. We are... so proud of you"

"Does it hurt?" Harry asked.

My uncle's gaze shot up from Harry to me, he saw thorugh my enchantment and smiled softly at me "Not at all" he said his eyes not leaving mine "Quicker and easier than falling asleep. And on the plus side we get to see everything" he said and winked at me.

"And he will want it to be quick. He wants it over" my cousin's husband said.

"I didnt want you to die. Any of you. Im sorry, right after you'd had your son Remus, Im sorry"

"I am sorry too, sorry i will never know him,but he will know why i died and i hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life" Remus said.

"You'll stay with me?" Harry asked

At this point they all turned thier gazes to me and winked.

"Until the very end" Harry's dad said.

"You are very brave" his mother said to me when everone's attention was to Harry asking if they'd be able to see his loved ones.

"We are part of you, invisible to anyone else" Sirius said but glanced at me pointedly for a split second.

"Stay close to me" Harry said and began to walk towards his death.

Before they all walked away, i bowed down, gracefully, extending my hands toward his loved ones, the ones who could see me, the only ones who were truly able to see my pain as i had seen it.

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