Chapter 63

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A/N: Yeah remember when i said no more than 5 chapters?

"Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone" Voldemort's voice rang out

"The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumbered you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anyone who continues to resists, man, woman, or child will be slaughtered. As will every member of their family.Come out of the castle now, kneel before me, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together"


Everyone was now scattered around the front of the school as the parade of Death Eaters came forward, with Hagrid carrying the lifeless body that was Harry Potter.

"NO!" Professor McGonagoll screamed.



"Harry! HARRY!"

People screamed out, in anger and in sadness that he was dead.

"SILENCE!!" Voldemort screamed "Do you see now? Harry Potter is dead! He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!"

"Now. Who will come and join me? You shall be spared immediatly if you do" he said and extended his arms.

Even i expected for all the Slytherins to surge forwards but surprisingly.... they didnt. Only one stepped up, Pansy, but that was it, she was the only one that would join him.

"Come now! Surely there must be more? Draco?" he called out

Draco retreated backwards into the crowd, his blond hair was tousled and singed and streaked with Ash from explosions going off in the school, his face was dirty and some of his suit was torn. He didnt complain about how unruly he looked. No. He simply stepped backwards into the crowd and gripped the hand of his best friend.

"Gregory Goyle?" Voldemort called.

Goyle stayed behind too. Clearly seeing his best friend die had been enough to keep him back.

Neville Longbottom broke through the silenced crowd and immediatly my mother shot him down.

"Who is this? Who has volunteered to demonstrate what happens to those who continue to fight when the battle is lost?"

"Its Neville Longbottom my Lord! The boy who has been giving the Carrows so much trouble! The son of the aurors, remember?"

"Ah i remember. But you are a pureblood are you not Neville? Why not join us? Instead of having to be killed?"

"I'll join you when hell freezes over! Dumbledore's Army forever!" Neville cried valiantly.

"Very well. Onto the original plan" Voldemort said and set the sorting hat on Neville's head "There will be no more sorting at Hogwarts. There will be no more Houses. Slytherin will suffice for everyone. Wont they, Neville Longbottom?"

He set fire to the hat.

"Neville is demonstrating what will happen when you continue to oppose me" said Voldemort.

What happened next was utter chaos. The centaurs ran through and shouted loud war cries. The giant on our side came running in yelling "HAGGEr!" and crying. This brought on the anger of the bigger giants.

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