Chapter 30

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After that me, Tawny and Jo got our own Compartment but when the train stopped at hogsmeade station we got out and i went to find Blaise then we went to the Great Hall. The sorting seemed to take for ever but then when it finally reached Jo it surprised us completely, first actually it took forever for it to say anything to her then though she shook her head and it yelled out "RAVENCLAW!" and Blaise choked on the pumpkin juice he had been drinking. Jo on the other hand smiled broadly and went to join the Ravenclaws. Soon after that we went up to our Common Room and after a while of playing around up to his dorm, as Draco was taking off his shoes i noticed that he had blood on one of them "Draco you have Blood on your shoe!" i said. "Oh do i? Bloody Potter" he growled as he wiped the blood away. A few minutes later when we all had our pajamas on Pansy and Tawny came storming in and Tawny sat down on Draco's bed while Pansy sat down on Theodore Nott's bed. "Stupid Bloody GreenGrass" they said at the same time "what did they do this time?" Draco asked as he handed Tawny his Quiditch shirt "Well Astoria keeps talking about how i neraly killed her not that i couldnt of" she said as she put the shirt on. "And Daphne once again is saying how 'deluded Blaise's mind is'" she said in a Daphne imitation (while putting on Theo's quiditch shirt) then she stood up and started walking around dramatically "oh one of these days Blaisie is oging to come to his senses and realize that he wants a real girl" she said in a Daphne voice again. "Real girl? I swear she has more plastic in her than a barbie" Theo said "and how would you know?" Pansy asked with a glare and he went red "ive heard" he muttered "so you two are a couple are you?" i asked as i put my hair up into a messy ponytail. Pansy nodded while blushing. "So then Blaise how do you feel that your darling sister is in Ravenclaw?" i asked him putting a hair brush to his mouth as if it was a microphone "i have no comments she is my favorite sister so i do not care what house shes in" he said "oh so Joannne is your favorite sister? I wonder what Kat would say?" Tawny asked "yeah because she doesnt talk" Blaise said. Soon me and Blaise got into bed and not long after we could hear Draco's light snores and Crabbe and Goyle's loud snores. "What are you thinking about?" Blaise asked "how do you know im thinking of anything?" i asked "because you get all quiet when your thinking" he answered. "Fine im thinking about something Elena said" i answered truthfully and i turned aorund to face him "what did she say?" he asked as he nuzzled my neck "she said she didnt think Zabini's could love" i said and to my surprise he started to laugh. "Honestly after i asked you to marry me?" he asked "that couldve been to keep up appearences" i said "after all the things weve said to each other?" he said "appearences" "after all the nights weve spent together?" "shagging" "after all the tears i shed for you?" he asked "fine" i said and smiled at him.

After that we feel asleep but it was not long after that a pounding at the door of the Common Room woke me up. I staggered out of the Dorm and to the Common Room door when i opened it i found myself face to face with Snape. "P-professor Snape w-what are you doing here?" i asked embarassed that my head of house was seeing me in my boyfriend's Quiditch shirt which only just passed my bottom. "Get me Blaise and Tanya, its an emergency" he said "Tanya?" i asked then i remembered Tawny's real name "oh yeah right away sir" i said and went back up to the dorm "Tawny!" i said as i shook her and Draco since they were in a tight embrace "Tawny!" i tried again "wha?" she said sleepily "I dont know Snape wants something he says its an emergency" i said she got up sleepily and waited for me to wake up Blaise "Blaise!" i said he groaned in his sleep "Blaise!" he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me in tight to his chest "Blaise!" i said as my cheeks flooded with color sicne Tawny was watching. I slapped his chest and he finally woke up "what?" he said and pulled me in tighter "Snape is here he wants to talk to you and Tawny he says its an emergency" i said and he got up slowly as he stretched then he went down to the Common Room with me and Tawny who looked annoyed to be away from her boyfriend. "Ah Mr.Zabini we need you down in the Hospital wing" Snape said "you too Ms.Zabini" he said "why?" Blaise asked "its your sister" he said "what happened to Jo?" i asked "that is something only for the family to know" he said as he gestured for Blaise and Tawny to follow him "ill see you in the morning okay babe?" Blaise sais and he pecked me on the lips and followed his sister and Head of house. I tried to sleep in Blaise's bed but i just couldnt so i went down to the Common room and slept on the couch.

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