Chapter 10:51

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A/N: Im getting bored writing the vacation. I want to go to where the climax is already so here you guys go. Sorry if I was one so long.

Back to school, finally in 10th grade with Peridot. And Squaridot being left out in 8th grade. Seeing everyone smiling, being tan, and being couples and crying about break-ups after the vacation is such a feast to my eyes. Oh and Im sitting with Peridot again. Yey.

"Okay Class, settle down now. Welcome to 10th grade. I see that you people are happy that you guys passed on your previous school year. Now now, since its the first day of school, an there are some few students here that are new, why not introduce yourselves to eachother." Students that were in front started on standing up and introduced each other.

"Hey Peri.... Why you so quiet?"
"Im not."
"Yea you are."
"No, Im not."
"No youre not."
"Yes I am."

"See." I said hearing a mumble out of her.  

"H-Hi there..." I heard someone say. I looked up and saw a guy. Who the fuck?
"What can I do for you?" I heard Peridot say.
"Hi, I-Im J-Jamie. Im from the senior high or just a grade upper. I wanted to ask if you can be part of our play project." A play project? Seriously? "Um wait wait. Is this a project out of school?." Peridot asked. "Y-yeah. It is. Its for the Beach City Play." Jamie said. "Sure anything to help." Jamie's eyes lit up. "R-really? Thanks! Go to the Beach where the stage is later." "Okay." We heard a faint 'bye'.

"You? Gonna get into a play? I never heard you socializing before." "Shut up Lapis."



Japanese class...

"あういおえ" Basic Japanese. The Vowels. They somehow mixed everything up. Cause it somehow says "AIOEU." I think.

Yeesh... Can school be over now? Suddenly the bell rang. And automatically, the students sprang up and started on going out the door. I started on cleaningnmy stuff and walked out of the door. Lapis must have already walked out of the class when the bell rang. But I guess I was wrong. She was there at the door frame waiting for me. "Hey Peri. Come on, I'll go with you to the beach." "Uhm, okay." I mummbled. 

Walking beside Lapis, I never felt this feeling before... I think, I think I have a crush on her. Do I? Uhm... Am I really having this gay phase right now? 

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