Chapter 4:30

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Oh god... Oh god oh god... Oh my god... He died, he fucking died... Holy shit... How am I going to tell her... On that fieldtrip, several students got injured and one died. And that one is him. Okay okay... Its kinda confusing but long story short, I had a crush on him, then he's with my new crush, and now he dies. *knocking sounds 😂😂* I knocked on her dorm room to tell her what happened. But for sure she already knows about that so Ill just comfort her. 

"Rose? You in here?" I asked as I went to look insode. "Uh come in...." "Hey, you okay?" I asked as I saw her packing her stuff. "Wait, youre leaving?" I said confused. "My dearest Pearl... I have to leave, Greg's dead and Im gonna get pregnant in a few months." "But you cant leave! I-I—"  I was cut by the knocking on the door. "Sorry to interupt you two but Rose we need to leave right now."  

Rose is gone.... Greg's gone.... Now Im the one who's left.... What happened?.... 

I went to my dorm and stayed there for the night, I cant bare to see Amethyst seeing me like this..... 

I woke up from the vibrating sound of my phone. I swiped the screen and saw lots of messages from you know who.... 

Amethyst: Hey P, where are you?

Amethyst: Im in your house but youre not here?

Amethyst: P you okay?

Amethyst: something happened.... 

Amethyst: I know something happened Pearl.

Amethyst: Just tell me and we'll think of something to fix it.

Amethyst: Are you in your dorm?

Amethyst: PEARL!!! WHERE U AT???

Amethyst: Im going to your dorm k?

Amethyst: Ill be there in a jiffy.

Amethyst: Im in front of your dorm....

Amethyst: Open it up Pearl.

Then suddenly, someone knocked on my door. "Go away! I dont need you right now!" I shouted. "Pearl! Come on! Just hurry it up!" ""Im not in the mood right now Amethyst!" I shouted once again.

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