Chapter 14 Lighstaber Lost (See What I Did There)

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I quickly ran back up to the group of girls. "Oh my gosh what is that" one asked. I shrugged. Jamie looked as though she knew what they were though. At first I was relived that they hadn't figured out how to use them. They were all in a box all 9 of them. Then just my luck they pick mine out of the box. And learned how to ignite it. "Oh my that looks dangerous. I bet the aliens came to kill us with them" she said. "Well mabye their nice" Jamie said.

My fear is, to put it bluntly, that the would kill themselves! I feel that if my Lightsaber kills one of them I'll be as guilty as the one that does it. He reached out to touch it. Suddenly it flung out of his hand. I caught Atika's subtly raising. Nobody had seen it though. It sure did stir up panic. "Aliens among us"! somebody screamed and everyone started running around screaming. I ran over to where the group wαs standing. "Atika that was awful risky" I said. "We'll I couldn't let them hurt them self" she said.

"Look read this" Aaron said. We were all sitting down at a little cafe and Aaron was reading a newspaper. He showed us it read "Alien Weapons found at crash site Unveiling today at 4:00" I was shocked so was Mona (Ahsoka Tirana and Katooni had gone to the Twilight and was trying to fix the ship). "Great! Their showing out lightsabers to the public" I said. I leaned back and tried to relaxed, Mona was on her pad trying to see about the force being we felt at the twilight crash ground. Then she read somthing and almost fell out of her seat. I quickly ran over to her. "Ilia look "

Evie Jamison

Jamie Evison

I almost fainted "Jamie Evison is Evie Jamison." She said.

For Mona's luck Jamie walked out of the coffee shop and I walked up to her "Hello Jamie" I said as I left Mona. "Oh hello Lila what's up" "Did you hear about that they found the aliens weapons." I asked. She stopped "Yes why do you ask" she started walking faster. I grabbed her hand a blue spot appeared. She was wearing concealer! She looked at me. "Your Evie Jamison" i said. "How do you know that name" she asked "Because I'm jedi too" she stopped "Come on"

1 hour later 3:45

The Twilight was fixed. We just needed our lightsabers. Evie had hers (a blue one) We had a plan but we would have to leave immediately after. The plan was this: Evie would give her Lightsaber to Atika who would go to the Twilight during the unveiling. We all would be out of our shadow holograms but wearing our robes. When they bring out our lightsabers and ignite them we (Evie Ahsoka Aaron Mon Tirana Katooni and I) would jump into action revealing our alieney selves. The we would force jump to the stage. Evie would use Atika's Lightsaber. We would say we mean no harm. Them Atika would appear behind us in the Twilight and we would all jump in. And we'll get off earth.

Everything was going according to plan. We all stood in different places in the crowd. Evie and I stood by the group of girls we were very careful not to reveal ourselves until the time came.

A man with a very important looking suit came on the stage. He had a speech about ailens and our lightswords. Then our time of glory came. 9 men came out holding our lightsabers luckily Ahsoka's two and Aaron's two were right beside each other. "Now unless anyone would like to say anything about these mysterious weapons they are going to confinement. Any questions" he asked. I saw Ahsoka's hand being raised. "Yeah, what are you doing with our Lightsabers" Ahsoka looked at me and nodded our plane started.

I looked at Evie and one by one we all removed ours hoods. Several gasps could be heard amongst the crowd. The man up at the podium looked aghast. We all were in battle positions when we leaped on the stage. The crowd gasped again. We all used the force to grab our lightsabers very military like. The crowd gasped again. Frankly I found it quite funny. We all started backing up. The guards had a form of blaster that looked like a E-11 blaster rifle. They started shooting at us. Instead of shooting back. Evie grabbed them with the force and tugged them away. "We mean no harm" Ahsoka yelled as The Twilight appeared behind her. She was first and back flipped on the open ramp everyone followed. Everyone made it safely. Except me. As I was jumping on felt somthing. Like thousands of voices crying out and leaving the galaxy. I could only make out a few.

Master Plo

Master Mundi

Master Secura

And Many Others

My force jump was ok. Except with that startling feeling and at that same moment the guards found their tazer guns. Then I black out inches away from The Twilight.

A.N Hello people as probably none of you know I'm writing another book called The Quest For The Midi-Chlorians so beacaue I want these stories to crash so I can't write any more Padawan till I finish TQFTM-C so ya read it 😃

May the force be with you

-Padawan Ilia Tasquot

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