Chapter 13 Malfunction

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The entire world had gone upside down, sideways and inside out! I could tell know that Weequay had tampered with the hyperdrive and how Evie felt when she disappeared. I could only stifle saying"strap in" The Twilight went all cookoo. It went on for a few minutes when finally, my eyes drifted to a planet. A green and blue one. I was just about to be knocked out when I got the feeling we weren't in Republic space or even Separatist space we must be deep in wild space, becasue in all my training at the jedi temple I've never seen this planet before. We were coming in hot, but I was able to relay a message "If anyone is out there we are stuck deep in wild space I repeat the crew of the Twilight has disappeared into wild space please, any one". Then I stopped and tried to send it out but I had other problems. The ship had started to flame up. I tried pressing a whole bunch of buttons that didn't do anything. And I couldn't avoid the inevitable. As we entered the atmosphere The Twilight started heating up and I lost control of the steering wheel. Suddenly the engines caught fire. Then when we hit the planet the sound was immaculate.

I couldn't tell how long we where out but I know I was that last to rewake. "Ilia, Ilia" Ahsoka tried and shook me awake, my eyes slowly opened but we weren't in The Twilight. We were in a forest just an outskirt though. In the distance I could see red and blue flashing lights near a grey outline that I could tell was my fail of landing The Twilight. I saw cars (the stayed on the ground) nearing the twilight. The cars said "Police" on them. But why would the police go near our ship? I mean it's common to see a ship right? Maybe not a crashed one, but a ship is something you see everyday, right? "What are they doing" I asked "We don't know" Katooni said "but we're Jedi shouldn't we just tell them that?" I asked "We were thinking about that, but look." Mona said as she approached us with Atika and Tirana. I looked closely. "Well the car isn't floating" I said "yes and" Atika urged "There's no droids" I realized. "Exactly and no othere species then human." Ahsoka added. I could see Aaron he was getting a few weird looks. But since he was the only human of the group he best go.

It was only a matter of minutes before he came back with some information. "We're on a planet called Earth. And well I mentioned Courascant and I might've well said Bantha on Hoth they didn't know what I was talking about." He started. "Bantha on Hoth" I asked. He shrugged. "Anyway I have figured out that we are in a different galaxy, so we'll need this." He said. He took a little circular device out of his pocket, and pressed the middle, and holograms appeared as 7 people. "Aaron where did you get a Shadow Hologram device" (a Shawdow hologram device as mentioned in season 4 episode 18 of the clone wars) I asked in awe. Ahsoka looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "It doesn't matter where I got it " he laughed "I beg to differ" started Atika. As they argued I looked at the holograms. I saw one very to my liking with pure white hair and with 2 blue streaks. The also all had very stylish outfits. I soon realized that these were us as humans. Katooni and Mona's pretty identical, like twins or something, but had different clothes. We all had jeans of different shades and tank tops as well. They finally finished their argument. "Ok stand in front of a hologram" Aaron said.

We all stepped in and we changed into the holograms. I noticed Aaron looked the same but was wearing different clothes. Then we joined the group surrounding The Twilight "remember be subtle" Ahsoka said. There were many girls my age there. "What's going on" I asked (like I didn't already know). "An alien spaceship crashed, and their checking if the aliens are still on board!" one said. "Cool! So if there was aliens, what do you think they would look like?" I asked just for the fun of it. "Personally I think it will be some green oozy slime monster"! "Mabye it's gonna look like a human!" They started all speaking at once. "I think some of them are gonna have tails on their heads" said one near the back. She had light purple hair and bright blue eyes and seemed a little older then the rest. "Wow that would be cool!" I said "I'm Jamie Jamie Evison" she said and stuck out her hand to shake. "Il" then I stopped I shouldn't probably use my real name. So I quickly scrambled the letters in my first name. "Lila Lila Tasimona" I said and we shook hands.

I saw Ahsoka looking for me. So I went over to her but as soon as I left I felt somthing. I sensed the force in someone in that group I couldn't tell who though... We all gathered as a little group apart from them all. "Did you feel it" I asked. "Yes someone in that group had force abilities" Mona said. Everyone else nodded

We decided that until we could fix The Twilight we would follow the crowd. They all got into the not flying cars and drove away when I noticed none of us had our lightsabers we left them in The Twilight!!!!!! As that sunk in, one person said "I found somthing" we all stopped and they realized too. The man had found our Lightsabers "this just got a whole lot harder" I said...

A.N Yup the gang is on earth... Why the heck not!

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