Chapter 20 Old Friend

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My leg burned. I think it's broken, or twisted, or sprained, or something along the lines of that... It was cold, so cold. Like all the happiness had been drained out of this little cell that I shared with this old lady... "So what did you do to end up here" I remember asking her. She wouldn't respond, at first I though maybe she couldn't talk. So we communicated in other ways. Hand signals, and drawings in the sand, which luckily the cell was full of... But then a few minutes later she said "well this is fun" and smiled a toothy grin. "You can talk"! I stated. She nodded. "Why didn't you tell me"
"This was fun"
I smiled. We talked for a few more minutes (A.N I think of the old lady looking like Betty White but with black/gray hair)
Then fifteen minutes later, a guard came in to escort her out. I didn't see her again. I fear she died, but I don't know. Maybe I'll see her again. A guard came an hour later and handcuffed my hands.

"The Colonel will see you now" I walked into an empty room made of metal with only the door I came through. "So they're upgrading me" I thought to myself. I saw a kneeling figure in the middle of the room. The old lady! I ran for her my shackled hands grabbed her shoulders and I looked into her eyes. She didn't look this old before. What had happened in that hour? Her eyes were full of tears. "I'm going to die soon" she said. I shook my head so hard that if it wasn't attached to my neck it would've fallen off. "No, no we're gonna get out of here" I promised. She looked at me and smiled. She had golden eyes the burned bright, but I could sense the pain, sorrow and ... Failure? What had she failed at? Then I felt the failure replaced with hope. "You" she said. Her breathing grew heavy. I had no experience in healing, but I tried. Tears were streaming down my face. In just met her, but I could let her die! There was some,thing familiar about her. Then I saw it. A small tattoo on her face right under her bottom lip. A purple diamond. I stared at it. This woman was, "your a Mirialan" I said stupefied. "Yes, Lesa". A tear escaped my eye, but then "how do you know my name". Then I stopped. No! It, it couldn't be....

A.N Dun dun dun!!! Sorry it's short but last week of school is pretty hectic... But this summer I'll have lots of time to write! Hopefully...

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