Chapter 22 Temptations of the Dark Side

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My mom is alive! I thought that when her and dad disappeared all those years ago, I thought they had... We'll never mind what I thought. She's alive! I hardly even noticed a man walk in... In fact I only realized we weren't alone when he cleared his throat. I looked behind me and gasped. It's was a Miralukan, the species with no eyes... Over course he had a mask covering the part where his eyes would've been but it was still creepy. I instinctively reached for my Lightsaber only to remember it wasn't there. I walked over, placing myself between my mother and the Miralukan. "Happy reunion"? He snarled baring teeth that were as yellow as honey. I tried thinking of who this mysterious person was but my memory from that period of time was most blurry. So I improvised "Who are you" I asked... I probably could've asked something more intelligent like "Where are we" or "Are you here to kill us" but I suppose "who are you" is a valid question. "All will be revealed in time" he stated simply. We stared at each other for a good long while (or at least I did) until he said. "I'm supposed to take the old one to the execution chamber" he said bluntly. Tears started forming in my eyes, but they didn't stain my face. I wouldn't cry, not here, not now. "Well", I said courage bubbling up somehow "you can't take her" he laughed. A cold laugh that sent shivers down my spine, and goosebumps on my arms. "You can't stop me" he said, like he was poking a stick at a sleeping lion in a cage. I noticed my yellow skin started showing as the pill I took earlier wore off. I could feel my mother smiling at me as she saw my true form. "If you want her" I started "your going to have to go through me" I said as I took a defensive position. He laughed. As if he took on 19 year old former Padawans every day.. As if!
He unsheathed a blaster and aimed at my side, he fired but it missed and I made sure to tell him "some aim you are"
"I wasn't aiming at you" he smirked. Suddenly a sickening feeling washed over me. My heart fell to my stomach as I slowly turned around. How could I be so stupid! There was no stopping the tears now. Tears gushed out of my eyes like a waterfall, that was once contained. For my mother had a blaster wound in her heart.
"Whoops" he said feigning surprise
I sank to my knees, "No" I managed to say.
She looked at me her blue eyes piecing into my gray ones. "I'm so... proud of you" she managed
"How, how can you be proud of me" I said trying to wipe away a tear that was forming in my eye, but couldn't.
"Because your my daughter" she smiled. As the colour drained from her eyes.
"Your father would be pr..." But she didn't finish her sentence as the colour drained from her lips. I held her head in my lap hugging it like it would disappear if I let go. "No, no, no, no" I kept muttering to myself. She was slipping away! My face was stained with tears. My face was probably as red as a tomato, and the tears kept coming. What was I thinking? That we would escape? There was no escape. And I had lost my only blood relative I had left... The emotion was welling up again as her skin turned pale.
I kept shaking my head refusing to believe it.
"No" I muttered but then she was gone, her life force. Slipped away. Her cold head in my lap. A permanent reminder of my failure. My failure to escape...
"No"! I screamed, the sound of my voice was so powerful that it sent a ring of force power expanding from me and mum to the far ends of the room, sending the smirking Miralukan back falling. It faded as soon as it had reached the full perimeter of the room.
Take your revenge a new voice said in my head
No it isn't the Jedi way
What have the Jedi ever done for you
I thought about it, I wasn't a Jedi, I hadn't been for 3 years. I had abandoned my Jedi training when I threw my comlink into the fire that night. No I wasn't that stupid girl anymore. I would avenge my mother.
Yes, Embrace the dark side
The dark side! No! I had been warned against it. Yet...
I stood up and stared at the Miralukan with as much hatred as I could muster. He put his hands in a weak surrender. Seeing my power from the force blast must've frightening him...
"I shouldn't be doing this" I said to myself unconvincingly as I locked the Miralukan into a force choke. His choking soothed the tension I held in my heart. "We, can... make.... a..... deal" he tried. I turned away, not being able to look at him. Then I finished the job. I dropped him, his lifeless body crumpling.
"No" I heard my good self say. I hadn't even known his name and yet I killed him, who was I! Was he death of my mother really this life altering? To kill a man in cold blood! I didn't even know she was alive until now! Isn't that why your feeling this way? My dark side asked. To have more time with her? I nodded to myself but I couldn't help thinking: Is this what she would've wanted? I dared to think what Naria would say if she found out. We had a rule on earth: No unnecessary killing. What would she think? Who cares what she thinks? My inner dark side said to my light.
Not me!
And my answer was apparent . "No deal" I said sneering as I past the cold body of the Miralukan picking up his blaster. My dark side had won. My best friend and my mother may not approve, but I will avenge her if I have to kill every living, breathing soul in the building...

A.N DUN DUN DUUUUNNN!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever but, I just haven't had any inspirtation. Sooooooooooo what do you think? I don't think I'm really good at writing evil and I never have tried before sooooooo..... What do you think?

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