Chapter 6 Master

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"But Master" Ilia's words had sunk deep. I forgot about that. That I would be called Master. I sighed and went up to her. I bent down and put my hand on her shoulder "Ilia do you trust me" "Yes" I smiled "Then you have to trust me now." I said and started towards the door again.


I went up to Atika "She sure is a leader isn't she" I whispered. "I've been on more assignments with Commander Tano then I care to remember and She's the kind of jedi that takes charge, she learnt it from her Master" she said. I nodded, Master Tano had been assigned to General Skywalker, everyone at the temple called him "The War's Poster Boy" We all went outside. I looked out and all but one gunship was destroyed. "Come now" Ahsoka said as She headed towards it

Ahsoka opened the cockpit and looked inside. "No pilots" she said "I can fly but I will need another pilot" she looked at the small group of us. Four Padawans and 2 Commanders. Hmm. Then I looked down. "Ahsoka" I asked "There are so many battle droids shot down here" I said "Espicially near that gunship" said Tirana weakly. Mona and I let Tirana rest her arms on our shoulders Aaron had bandaged her shoulder up. We heard a click from the gunship. Ahsoka told the four of us to back up Katooni grabbed Tiranas legs so we could get back faster and once we got back she slowly put them down. Ahsoka ignited her green and yellow lightsabers Aaron had two blue ones and Atika had a green one. With Ahsoka taking the lead they slowly went towards it. Ahsoka turned back to us and put her pointer finger against her mouth, indicating us to not make a sound. Then she used the force to open the door. Once the three saw what was in the gunship the disignited their lightsabers and stepped inside.

I transferred Tirana's arm to Katooni because I wanted to get a closer look. And so I got closer and what was in the gunship made me relieved. It was a clone!!! Katooni and Mona brought Tirana to where I was standing and we all walked closer together. The clone had been knocked out but slowly regaining consciousness. He finally got up and when he saw Ahsoka he stood up at attention. "Trooper identify yourself" she said "Ct-27-5555 Fives sir" "At ease" she said "Fives what happened. "I was in a sniper position to protect the auditorium then a brigade of droids ambushed us I was knocked down I fought as hard as I can but all I can remember is before I lost conscious, was dragging myself to this gunship" he finished. "Can you fly" Atika asked "Sir yes Sir" he said. Fives I like that name. He and Ahsoka got in the cockpit and Aaron, Atika, Katooni, Mona, Tirana and I got in the main part. We were going to Ahsoka's cruiser that was orbiting Courascant. Tirana gained and lost consciousness. Katooni and Mona had taken her over to the corner and I went up to them. "Guys, our jedi training never prepared us for this" I said as I sat down beside Tirana. I suddenly thought, and asked "Katooni who were you assigned to"? I asked "Master Yoda told me before the date becasue she wouldn't be at the assignment day but I was assigned to General Aayla Secura" I smiled then I thought of Mina who hadn't been assigned. "Wait so your saying that if the person that your assigned to isn't there, they tell you before"? asked Mona. Katooni nodded. "Then why did Ilia know before"? asked Tirana. We hadn't even noticed she was up. I was confused the door opened and Ahsoka came in. "Becasue I didn't know I was gonna make it" she said. We had boarded her cruiser and I asked "what do you mean"?...

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