Chapter 11 Mandalore

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Luckily this celebration I didint have to wear a dress. I looked at myself in the mirror trying to picture myself in the dress I wore the day I was assigned. Ahsoka came and told me we were at Mandalore.

As we got on a transport me and Tirana realized that we would be seeing Mona and Katooni... Lux had come with us for matters to discuss with the new Duchess of Mandalore (The last one Duchess Satine I think met with an untimely death or something). But I think there were other reasons...

When we landed and the doors opened the first thing that hit me was the light. It was so bright and beautiful out. Then Katooni and Mona came running towards us. Though the same species Katooni and Mona seemed very different. For one Katooni was very shy and Mona well she isn't afraid to speak her mind...

We all joined in a giant group hug. And we all started talking at once and we laughed so loudly some of the people stared at us. Then Ahsoka Aaron Atika and Aayla came over to us. "We'll it seems you have all gained each other's attention" Ahsoka said "And everyone else's" she muttered. And we laughed again only a little less loud. "Any way we need your lightsabers" then we stopped laughing. "What? Why" Mona asked. "Mandalore is a neutral planet and we must respect their ways" Atika said. I noticed that none of them had their lightsabers. They opened a box that held 10 lightsabers and we added our 4 then Ahsoka put them, there was one place extra, (I guess they didn't make compartment in 10s) in a tightly locked it. Then we went towards the huge gates the guards let us in and honestly Mandalore was amazing!

Lux followed us and started talking to Ahsoka about something. She had a poker face the entire time....

We finally reached the castle and we all bowed when the Duchess came out with four younger people standing on either side of her. "Ahsoka" asked one of them. He was a little taller then her and had blond hair and blue eyes. The other three were about the same height the other boy had no hair same eyes though. One of the girls had brown hair and green eyes and the other had blond hair and blue eyes. "Ilia this is Korkie Amis Lagos and Soniee. I taught them when they were cadets." She explained "It's very nice to meet you Ilia" Korkie said "you too, Korkie" I said. I introduced them to Mona Tirana and Katooni. We talked a good deal of the night and Lux seemed he wanted to talk to Ahsoka about something, and led her off somewhere. I would've left them alone but curiosity got the better of me. I snuck up far away enough so that they couldn't see me, but close enough that I could hear them. "Ahsoka" he started "Lux I don't" "Ahsoka I may not be a jedi but I just wanted to tell you that, I know, and I've known for a long time and, well I do too" he said. I wondered for a bit, know what? They looked at each other for a long time, with something in their eyes, I couldn't name. Lux took a step forward, they were close. Too close... He raised his hands so that they cupped Ahsoka's face and, I looked away, this was private! But, what was she doing? She took an oath! An oath the jedi took very seriously. If they ever found out. I could feel my confusion through the force and knew Ahsoka probably would any second now, I crept away, with one thought in mind. "What had my Master gotten herself into now"? Because at that moment I realized it was Love. I'd seen love, in their eyes...

After that episode the night ended all to soon. Soon it was midnight. Tirana Katooni Mona and I had to all share a room. Katooni told us about her adventures with Ahsoka when she had token them to Ilum to harvest their jedi crystals. We all exchanged stories. Then Tirana got out her pad and started pressing some buttons on it. "What are you doing" I asked. "Before the choosing ceremony I downloaded a copy of all of the archive's information you know in case I needed anything. Madam Joacasta let me" before I could talk "Anyway lets find some cool stories." She said as she plugged the USB in. And kept scrolling. We were all in bunk bed and I was above Tirana so I looked over the end and my headtails as well as my Padawan braid went upside down then I started to give me a head ache so I got down on sat beside Tirana who was criss crossed on her bed. Mona and Katooni came over as well.

"Look at this" she said. "It's information about a jedi name Evie Jamison a Pantoran. It says here she was going to her mission and her hyperdrive malfunctioned and no one has seen her since." Tirana finished " It was like 10 years ago" I said they nodded. "Very sad" Katooni said with a yawn. "We'll I'm going to sleep" Mona said and she got in the top bunk I went back up. I tried to use a force jump but I hit my head. Mona stifled a giggle before she fell asleep. Soon after that Katooni and then Tirana dozed off. Which gave me time to conduct my own research. I got my own pad out and searched up Lux Bonteri...


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