Chapter 16 On The Twilight

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(WARNING! If You Haven't Read The Quest For The Missing Midi-Chlorians I suggest you read that now because characters from that book are being reintroduced in this chapter and visions the characters have had, so please read Missing Midi-Chlorians Now)

I saw Ilia fall, I saw it and I didn't stop it. I was shocked. I felt death and I'm sure that's what she felt too. Master Plo was dead, Master Mundi was dead. My heart shattered. But not as much as it did when I realized my padawan had been taken by those people. "We have to go back for her" I said, as soon as the words escaped my lips everyone nodded. "Where do you think they took her"? Katooni asked. I sighed "I don't know" I answered truthfully. I looked at Evie with a hopeful look. "I don't know where she is" she answered, and my heart sunk. "But I think I know someone who does, I haven't seen them for a while.... But they might know where they are keeping her" ....

News Channel 304

Magic News! The "Magic Vigilante" are at it again! This time back in America! These vigilante have been around the world and are finally back in our lovely country, stopping a drunk man with a knife threatening to kill his wife.... Police woke up this morning with the man in a cell and the MV symbol of the Magic Vigilante on a note on one of the bars. Wherever you are, and whoever you are, thank you...


"The Magic Vigilante" I asked doubtfully. Evie nodded "Friends of yours"? Aaron asked. "Sorta" she said. After she had showed them the news story on her phone, she had taken an apartment building. They went up a level, and knocked on the door 203. A girl opened the door, she looked late teens early twenties, she had short brown hair and light skin. She was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. Her face looked bored, but lightened up when she saw Evie (they all had disguised themselves again. Using the shadow hologram device Evie used her makeup). "Evie" she asked. She looked doubtfully at the others. "Who's your friends" she asked. At that moment Aaron clicked a button and the shadow hologram turned off and we all looked normal headtails armour and all. She was stunned. "Come in" she said quickly.


Ahsoka, it was Ahsoka. My vision, 3 years ago, I had to help them. I heard Ahsoka whisper to Evie "Who is she" I brought them to the living room and ushered them to sit. I wiped the makeup off, which Naria had let me use instead of that horrid pill. And my face was yellow with my Mirialan tattoos very visible. "Lesa"? Ahsoka asked stunned. I could see the others in the group kind look at her funny, "you recognize me" I asked eyebrow raised. "Of course, General Skywalker and I were the last to see you and General Jaxx, we were questioned for days if we knew anything about where you had gone" she replied. I blushed "sorry about that" I Said. She shrugged. "So you and General Jaxx are the magic vigilante" the young Twi'Lek asked. "Among others" I said casually. "Umm" "That's Tirana" one of the tholothian girls said. (Mona). Evie introduced everyone but there was someone I didn't see... "Where's the Togruta girl"? Ahsoka stared at me in shock. "How do you know about Ilia" she asked. I told her about my vision of us rescuing her. "Lesa do you know where she is" Atika asked hopefully. "I might"...

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