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I apologize to those who thought this was an update or those who were hoping I would update this...

Unfortunately I am not...

I'm not sure exactly how long but I started writing Padawan 3 or 4 years ago. I never continued it like most stories from that time of my life.

I have "grown out of" I suppose you could say My Star Wars phase and have moved onto new obsessions and fandoms (still love Star Wars though). I'm sorry to those who wished to see where Ilia's story went. But I have no intention of finishing this book unless I get a random stroke of inspiration.

Again I apologize, and if you were really wondering what was going to happen you can message me and I can tell you roughly how it ends.

But I wanted to make a proper apology to you. 2.1K Reads?! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that was possible. So thank you for enojoying Padawan and thank you for reading my story!

As Always May The Force Be With You
- Remy (The Author)

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