Chapter 19 A Trip To France... Yay?

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We booked the tickets! We're going to France! We entered the airport, and saw lots of people rushing around with bags, hopefully we didn't look too out of place without bags backpacks or anything... We used Aaron's shadow hologram device again so we looked human. Apparently the plane ride Is an only a few hours and we were flying direct (whatever that means) The plane ride was pretty cool, I can't say I've never been in a plane before, because I have being a padawan and all, but this was definantly a different experience. It was like taking a hover bus but higher up! Evie said that in France they speak French, and I suddenly wished we had S-3P0 the temple's protocol droid who was fluent in over 6,000,000 forms of communication, (I heard that at one time it was only 1,000,000 but General Skywalker had inserted some sort of chip into all of the -3PO droids at the temple so the could speak more languages) but somehow I doubted he would speak french...

Evie said she knew a little French, the basics: Hello, How are you, Do you know where the American government would be hiding an alien, you know those sorts of things...
She said that the two people we were seeing names were Naria and Coryn. Ahsoka seemed to know who they were and the three "masters" we're shocked to hear they had gotten married. Since it was against the jedi code and all.

We went up to a a very nice hotel, which Evie said was where they were staying. She went up to the manager guy and in french she asked if he could send a message to Naria and Coryn Jaxx (A.N when they married they used Naria's last name since Coryn didn't have one) her message said "it's Evie, Lesa is in trouble, Lobby in 15 minutes" I thought it was pretty clear. 15 minutes later went past like a flash. Ahsoka, Evie Atika and I got a few weird looks from people, since Ahsoka and I had blue/white hair, Evie had purple hair, and Atika had green hair. We were waiting in the lobby when Evie pointed out Naria and Coryn coming out of the elevator. I don't know what I expected but this certainly wasn't it... Naria had blond hair blue eyes and was super pretty. Coryn (though I knew had been a commander once) had a stylish brown cut, his features hardly resembled a clone anymore though... They walked out arms linked, they kinda wore similar outfits, Naria was wearing a black tank top and jean short. Coryn wore a black t shirt and shorts. They approached us and looked at Evie with a "care to explain" look.

"Your message was awfully vague " Naria said breaking the ice as the huge group of us sat at a table in the lobby. I sensed a faint remainder of a Corellian accent (A.N I don't think Corellians have accents, but it's FanFiction, anything can happen,) "As vague as it needed to be" Evie answered a little coldly. Yikes! Defiantly sensing some tension here! I wonder what happened. Mystery, after Mystery. Evie introduced us all and Naria asked "So, what has Lesa gotten herself into"?

We explained everything that had happened, Naria and Coryn took the information rather well, I noticed the entire time as Naria had her hand on the table, Coryn had his on top. (A.N Naryn?). When they finally finished explaining, Naria nodded. Looking at Coryn the bith nodded and said "We'll help" All 10 of us exchanged smiles but the it didn't last long. We heard harsh voices outside, Naria cast a worried glance at the door. "You were followed"...

The doors swung open violently as armed guards filed into the lobby. We kept our heads down, hopeful that with the shadow hologram devices's disguise the wouldn't recognize us...

People screamed

My head pounding.

I could feel my body tensing as a familiar figure stalked in.

Colonol Morgan

But he wasn't alone...

A.N DUN DUN DUN!!!! I'm gonna end that right there, I hope to upload more soon! Please recommend this book to a friend and don't be afraid to leave a comment! I'd love to know what others think of my story! I also went and changed a bit of a scene in the Chapter Mandalore (I can't remember the number) it's Luxsoka, and it probably sucks... But I'm just letting y'all know

May The Force Be With You
-Padawan Ilia Tasquot

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