Chapter 9 The Outpost

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Ahsoka and Aaron quickly caught up to us at the gates of Onderon market. We all walked out with a group of troopers close at our heels. A little while out Captain Danga (I found out that his group of men is called the 673rd Strike Squadron and their color is purple) came over to Ahsoka and said "Sir, this is where the troopers scanners went haywire" Ahsoka bent down. And I saw what she was looking at "Droid footprints" she stated. Suddenly the ground beneath our feet disappeared and Ahsoka Tirana Aaron Captain Danga and I fell down. I had a few scratches and some green/blue bruises, but besides that I was okay. I couldn't say the same for Tirana though. Though she is an expert fighter. When it comes to falling she doesn't always land on her feet. 2nd injury (even though it was minor) in 2 weeks..

We all got up but a soon as we did battle droids started surrounding us. "Surrender Republic ..." The battle droid was about to say before Captain Danga shot its head. We all ignited our lightsabers and started the small battle. It was my first real battle if you don't count the training room... I hadn't realized until now, how easily my blue lightsaber would cut through battle droids and to be honest I enjoyed it! Soon there was no more droids (standing) and we disignited our lightsabers (Captain Danga and the other clones just put their blasters in their holsters). I attached mine to my belt and started forward. Carefully tiptoeing so not to make a sound.

We finally found a door but it was locked... "Looks like we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way" Aaron said. He let his lightsabers easily go through the metal and made a hole big enough for us to go through. Then we pulled his hand back and pushed it forward, using the force and the small metal carving blew off letting us pass through the opening.


Inside there was a small room with a young female in it, being held up by blue laser handcuffs. I could tell Ilia recognized her imediatly. "Sayra" she asked. I don't see how she saw the face for it was covered in bruises scars and most importantly blood. Tirana recognized her too. Then so did I just the hair though no one could miss the blond hair.

Ilia, without taking any precaution, ignited her Lightsaber and cut the control panel and Sayra fell down. Ilia (though I knew her and Sayra weren't the best of friends) and Tirana ran over to her and bent down "Sayra" she asked again. Sayra slowly lifted her head and looked Ilia's right in her big bright blue eyes and said "I didn't tell them anything. The others are being held, in the detention level" She said slowly and weakly "Sayra, your coming with us" Ilia said tears full in her eyes "No Ilia I'm, I'm, I'm, sorry" she said and her eyes closed. "She not dead" Tirana said bluntly she's just tired and weak" she continued.

Ilia put Sayra's arm around her shoulder. Though the had never been friends it was a Jedi's duty to save as many lives as they could. "The others are being held on the detention level" Ilia said. "Let's go"...

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