Chapter 10 The Detention Level

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We crept along the corridor, careful not to make a sound. Even the smallest creak could alert the droids that we were here. (Though I would be surprised if they didn't already know.)

My suspicions came true when we got to the detention level.

"Look! Blast Them" and all of a sudden a shower of red sparks came down on us. I saw that one of the droids held all of the prisoners lightsabers in a basket. As we deflected the bolts one of the lightsabers was pulled to a hand sticking out of the cell. The lightsaber ignited and it was a magnificent shade of purple it cut through the metal bars and a jedi came out though I couldn't see his face. But the Lilac Lightsaber was an instant giveaway. Mace Windu! "We need reinforaahhhhhh" went a battle droid as my lightsaber went through its head. But I was too late, another huge group of droids came in through the elevator. Luckily more jedi had copied Master Windu and joined the fight. Even Sayra regained conciseness! She grabbed her Lightsaber she hugged me and said "Thank you" and what happened to me well I don't really remember. All I know is that a battle droid came running towards me and then I remember waking up in a medical room...

I finally regained consisness and Ahsoka told me we won and all the jedi were safe, and that the only reason they got captured is because Dooku, General Grievous and Ventress were there!

Also that there was gonna be a small celebration on Mandalore. Aaron was really excited for it, since he's from Mandolorian. I suppose I should have guessed considering that some of his jedi outfit had bits of old Mandalorian armour. Though Mandalorians didn't fight they were trained as jedi and when the jedi had to because fighters then so did the Mandalorian jedi!

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