Chapter 3 60 Seconds Before

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I had just informed Master Yoda in my decision for a Padawan. He seemed just as concerned as Master Plo. I don't know why though.... He called her to his room. When she came in she seemed surprised to see me. Wow! She looks just like I did, when Master Yoda called me in, to tell me I had been assigned all those years ago. "Master Yoda, Commander Tano! Whatever it is I didn't do it" she thought for a moment."Unless it was an accident" she added as a second thought. I smiled. "Dismissing all of your pranks of previous, Commander Tano chosen, and assigned you are Ilia Tasquot." Said Master Yoda. Ilia looked as though she were trying to figure out what he said and seriously, I was too. Then thought to myself "Oh Duhhhh Ahsoka" "What Master Yoda is trying to say" I started "is that dismissing all of your previous pranks you have been assigned" I explained Her eyes opened!!! "To you" she asked with happiness in her eyes! "Yes" Her eyes looked like he would explode out her head. She started jumping up and down and said "Oh I promise I won't let you down" she stopped jumping and blushed. "Tell anyone who you've been assigned to you cannot, until assignment day of official" he said which was clear as day. "Sir yes sir" she said and left. "Well she was excited" I said and smiled "know this you do not, but among the younglings popular you are. Which is why you will be teaching them a lesson in becoming a padawan"
"When" I asked "In five minutes" he said. My eyes opened wide. And ran out.

A.N Sorry these chapters are very short but they will get longer...

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