Chapter 23 The Inquisitor

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I looked at Tirana, remembering her story about her older sister Luma. I wondered if this was the same Chiss, then I saw the look she had given Tirana as she left. As if she could see through the disguise... With her strange saber I assumed she was some sort of Dark Jedi, a Jedi who strayed from the light but not necessarily a Sith. And if my suspicions were correct about this dark Jedi, well, she could probably sense that there was more to us the meets the eye...

I looked in the direction of Naria who broke the silence by saying "We knew there was a Separatist stronghold somewhere on earth" she admitted. "They're getting bold" Coryn added. "Let's stick to the mission at hand" Aaron said. Atika replied by saying "Right, we need to find that stronghold, find Lesa and then deal with the Seppies"


There wasn't any blood. There wasn't any screaming. Just death, and a realization I loved it. Is this what it was like to be bad? I continued walking down the silent corridor, silencing anyone I saw. Until I ran across a blue girl!? She wasn't a Pantoran I could tell this much. But she had a strange circular Lightsaber on her belt and a blue skin tone. From what I could tell she was a Chiss. "The Republic has fallen" she says, her voice like poison. I nod. Why is she telling me this? "You can join us" she said. Now I was confused so I let her explain. "That Miralukan works with your friends"
(A.N no he doesn't)
The Miralukan that killed my mother! My fri- I stopped my thoughts right there. I don't have friends. They don't care enough for me, as they did for that little togrutan girl. I looked at the Chiss, she looked deadly so I had a suspicion my life hung on the line. I decided to inquire more "If I said yes what would I do"
She unlatched her saber from her belt... It was double bladed but the handle had a circular shape. When she ignited it twin crimson blades jutted out from each side, I stepped back. Then she said "You would become an inquisitor"... As she explained the job and duties of an Inquisitor, I felt like my world was being cut in two. An old one and a new one. The old one had the hope of my friends coming to save me. But the new one... I saved myself! They never came! Not as fast as they did for Ilia.... The Chiss looked at me straight in the eye and said, "do you accept"? My eyes beaming I nodded. "Meridith"
"My name"
"And yours is"
She started walking down a corridor and said "Come"
I followed her through a few hallways until we reached what looked like a command room. There was a hologram of ... Ahsoka? And Ilia? And Naria and Evie and... All of them. "These are our" she hesitated finding the right word. "Targets" she decided.
Under the holograms were their information. Well, names and species.
"What do I need to do" I asked
"Kill them"

A.N Dun Dun Dunn.... Sorry I haven't updated but I had major writers block :-(  but I have some ideas now...

PadawanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora