Chapter 2 Assigned

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"Ilia Tasquot, Master Yoda requests your presence now" I heard the intercom say during break one day. "Oh no! What did you do now"? asked my best friend Mona. "What makes you think I've done something" I asked. My other best friend Tirana came over "because you usually do" she said casually. "Maybe I've been assigned" I said confidently. Both my friends looked at me. Then Sayra (A Human born here on Coursant and the top of Clawmouse Clan) my nemesis came over. "Ilia darling, the idea of you being assigned before me is 100 to 1" she said. I groaned. Then Sayra left. "Ahh dont worry the Darling the idea of you being compared to Sayra is 100 to 1" Mona said mimicking Sayra. I smiled.

I got up and I was actually kinda scared. Then I finally approached the room where I was supposed to be meeting Master Yoda. Nervously I knocked. Inside there was Master Yoda and Ahsoka (New jedi knight and totally awsome! She's my role model!) What if they were kicking me out!!!!

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