Chapter 7 Ahsoka's Tale

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"What do you mean" I asked "General Secura and I had both been dispatched on Felucia or actually Master Plo's ship that was orbiting Felucia. It was him that pushed the last button to convince myself to get a Padawan this year. The battle had been long I had little time to get back to the temple to talk to you and teach the class. Technically I wasn't supposed to be on Felucia but Master Plo convinced Master Yoda to let me go. After I had left the temple I had got in my starfighter to get back to Felucia where a space battle was going on. The last thing I remember, was that I almost reached Master Plo's ship but the my engines were shot by a hyena bomber" I gasped "Then I remember waking up in a big white room with a medical droid looming over me. He said that I was in the medical station and that if my starfighter and gone haywire towards Felucia. He said that if General Secura hadn't used the force to slow the crash, I would've sustained way more injuries then I had. I owe her my life! Once the medical droid finished his story I saw the date and time. He said that he thought I would be out for longer and that if I felt well enough he could get Master Plo to send a ship back to Corascant with me and a few clones. I got back just in time to get ready for the assignments" she finished "Wow" I said. Atika was listening closely she was a few monthes younger then Ahsoka but super interested.

I remembered we were on Master Tano's ship. Atika took Katooni, Mona and Tirana whom Atika had picked up so Katooni and Mona wouldn't have to, and she was taking her to the medical bay while Ahsoka took me to the front of the ship. "Commander Tano ! How relived we are that you made it" said a man who looked like an admiral he had brown hair with flecks of grey in it and an army green admiral suit on. "Yes, thank you if it wasn't for Padawan Tirana we wouldn't be here. This is my Padawan, Ilia Tasquot, Ilia this is Admiral Atticus" she said. I said that it was a pleasure to meet him. Ahsoka showed me around the ship and finally we went to the small medical room, where Atika Katooni Mona and Tirana were. "Okay team we need a strategy for finding where they are holding the... wait where's Aaron" Ahsoka asked. As if on cue Aaron came in dragging a battle droid with him.

"Aaron, what are you doing" Ahsoka asked impatiently. "I just thought that mabye this battle droid holds information" he replied with a creepy innocence. While Aaron stayed with Tirana Ahsoka Katooni Mona Atika and I went to a room with a lot of computer and scanners. She placed the battle droid body onto a table and a whole bunch of number and letters in aurebesh came up on the screen. Ahsoka and Atika seemed to be able to read it though. Then they turned back to us. "This battle droid has records of 4 locations. Christophsis Alderaan Carlac and Onderon." She sighed as she said the last one. Ahsoka continued "Katooni, we will stop at the medical station orbiting Felucia where we will pick up General Secura them the two of you will go to Christophsis in General Secura's cruiser." She explained. Aaron came in with Tirana who was looking much better. "Good Aaron and Tirana good you two will stop at Carlac Atika and Mona will go to Alderaan because I believe, Atika that Senator Organa owes you a favour. Does he not" Ahsoka asked. "He does! I've saved his life more times then he or I care to remember" she said and Mona smiled at her.I looked at Ahsoka "So were going to Onderon" I asked "Yes I have many friends there who will be able to help". I nodded and looked out the window noticing that we were still in Courscant orbit. "Admiral Atticus will supply you four with transportation to your cruisers as for you Katooni since Felucia is on the way to Onderon, Ilia and I will drop you off" Ahsoka finished "Master Secura is in the medical station" she asked "Minor arm injury" Ahsoka responded "Well at least I'll see Petro and Gungi".

I watched as Mona and Tirana got onto separate gunships to do the transfer we would all have a hologram meeting but something told me it would be different. I waved goodbye. I went back to the front of the ship where Ahsoka and Katooni were "They left" I said "Admiral Atticus prepare to make the jump to light speed" Ahsoka commanded. Then I looked out the window and I saw stars passing by super fast. Ahsoka turned back to us. "Lets notify General Secura of our plan".

"Hmm seems awful risky but I will help" General Secura said as we holomessaged her. "Great we are dropping off Padawan Langora so you can continue to Christophsis" Langora? I was confused then I looked at Katooni and thought it must be her last name.

Fives called us from Ahsoka's comlink "Approaching Felucia's medical bay. We took a small ship that consisted of Ahsoka Katooni Captain Danga (Ahsoka's second in command) and I (and of course two pilots clone who I didn't know)....We were waiting near the airlock bay, and I heard the airlock click from our ship to the medical bay. The doors opened and I saw a Kamionoan and General Secura and also two younger boys (a human and a wookie) who I didn't recognize. The general had a cast on her arm. Katooni rushed up to the four. "Master are you okay" she asked "Yes of course my young padawan, but please take this moment to be reunited with your friends" she said towards Petro and Gungi. Katooni looks at them and joined in a huge group hug. They all started quickly talking at once. It reminded me of those last (well we thought it was last) meeting with Mona and Tirana in the jedi temple. "The transport will have to recharge for a bit." Ahsoka said and we all walked on.

A few minutes later Ahsoka's comlink beeped and a hologram of Atika and Mona. "Atika, Mona have you reached Alderaan yet" Ahsoka asked. "We sure have the senator was more then happy to see us we have just started a full planet search for a secret base I'll report back if we find anything Atika out" and then the hologram died out.

"I think the transport should be recharged by now" Ahsoka said Ahsoka, Fives, Captain Danga and I all got on our transport. Katooni, Master Secura and her second in command Commander Bly got on a transport next to ours. Once we were back on the jedi cruiser Ahsoka got three beeps on her comlink saying that Katooni and the General got to her cruiser safely.

"So we're of to Onderon now" I asked, Ahsoka sighed "yup" "what's wrong Master" I asked "it's nothing you should worry about" Ahsoka replied, patting me on the shoulder. "Admiral Atticus prepare to make the jump to light speed".

A.N Oohhh Onderon...

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