Chapter 18 Rescue! Well... Sorta

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"What are you doing here"? I asked, I could hear lots running around in the backround, and I could sense fear as my master entered my cell. "Rescuing you of course" she said, as if it were the most obvious answer ever. Another girl followed Ahsoka through the door. I didn't recognize her though, she was a Mirialan and looked around early 20s.

They both went on a side of me and started unlocking the shackles that kept my arms, shackled to the table. They had a little rust in them so it took them a while, I was nervous especially since armed guards could come in at any time. They finally got the wrist shackles undone and helped me off the table, as they did about 20 guards came in the cell, guns at the ready. Colonol Morgan walked in as the guards surrounded us. "Put your hands up where I can see them" he said. Which we did. I was calculating our possible chance of escape now when, CRASH! The whole ceiling above us came down! Debris fell like snow on top of us, and the guards. Not much had fallen on me though, i squirmed through what I could when I felt a stabbing pain in my right knee, the pain was worse then any of the electric shocks, it consumed my entire body. A wave of relief flooded over me once I got through the debris and saw the sky, sunshine and Aaron extending a hand to lift me out of the debris. I gripped his wrist as he pulled me out. I saw Atika pulling Ahsoka out but I didn't see the Mirialan girl! The Twilight hovered near us and I saw Evie jump out. "Where's Lesa"? She asked worriedly. Lesa must be the Mirialan girl. Evie frantically started searching through the rubble, seeing if she could see her. "They got her" Ahsoka said catching her breath. Aaron tapped my shoulder passing me a pill, "it should help with the pain" I took it gleefully. Then I looked at Evie's face and a new pain filled me, welling up in my stomach. This is what I didn't want to happen. "We have to go back for her"
"Easy tiger, we just got you back" Atika said.
"She isn't gonna be there" Ahsoka stated. We all stared at her in disbelief. "What do you mean" I asked
"As I was climbing out of the rubble, they said they were gonna transfer her to a base in, France I think it was called" Ahsoka said sadness colouring her features. "Where's France" I asked Evie. "Far away" she said simply. Her face suddenly lit up. "France"! She said excitedly. "What's in France" I asked, making and educated guess it was a country. "More Vigilante"? Aaron asked sarcastically. Evie nodded enthusiastically. "There's Lesa, whose here, Connor, I believe he's on vacation with his parents In Australia, and then the other two are on their honeymoon in Paris"!

A.N I really recommend reading The Quest For The Missing Midi-Chlorians if you want to understand the characters in the next few chapters... Also I enter TQFTMMC into the Wattys award I'll also be entering Padawan Later) so I would really appreciate it if you went and voted for all of my chapters, Thanks!!!

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