Chapter 15 500 Foot Dream

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I re-woke in a cage over a deep dark chasm. "So this is how I die" I said to no one in particular, No! Ahsoka would come for me, right? Though I know nobody would here I yelled "You can't keep me here!"
"Save your energy you have been left, to die" A small creature emerged from the shadow in the opposite corner if the cage.
"Then, then I will escape, I'm a jedi we don't give up easily" I replied
"A jedi, I knew a jedi once, but so young! Where is your master" he asked a playing look in his eyes
"She will come for me"
"Really" he snarled unconvinced
"She will" I repeated
"But what makes you so sure"
"Who are you" I asked. Why was he here?
"I am but a figment of your imagination" I looked at him.
"Don't you see child, you are alone" he said mystically, and then right before my eyes he disappeared.
"What kind of sorcery is this" I said concerned, backing up to the edge of the cage, closing my eyes.
"It's just an illusion" I heard a familiar voice say. Ahsoka was standing right in front of me. "Master"! I said cheerfully, I ran to embrace her but when I was two steps from her, she disappeared. I was now in the middle of the cage. "Ilia" I heard two voices say in unison. Mona and Tirana were on opposite sides of the cage. It was a trick! It had to be! "Just leave me alone" I cried. I covered my eyes sinking to my knees. Just leave me along.

(Colonol Morgan)

Pathetic, weak, freak. Were the only words that came to my mind when I saw the monster's dream. We had given her a simulation serum. She was still laying in the table but on a screen in another room we could see what she saw. The serum would make her see things that would make her panic, making her go mad. We had to break her. We had to make her tell us about her world. I heard and unfamiliar word, jedi. When she said it 9 of the 10 scientists scribbled it down on their note-sheets. I had a gut feeling we weren't about to get anything more out of her so I ordered "cut the simulation"

"It isn't real" I kept muttering to myself. "It isn't real". I opened my eyes and I was back on the table. My arms and legs cuffed once again. Colonol Morgan walked in. "What did you do to me" I spat. He didn't answer. Instead he stared at me. "What is your alien race called" he asked curiously. No I wouldn't tell him, I wouldn't talk. "Answer me girl" he said as he brought a familiar remote out of his pocket, he was about to press the button when I said "Togruta". He started questioning me again, most answers I said "I don't know " to even though I did. He started asking about the government where I was from which confused me. He turned so his back was facing me and asked something, but I didn't answer when I saw something on the back of his neck. A Separatist tattoo. Horror struck my face "Your a Separatist" I said stupefied. Then darkness came over me. The last thing I saw was his smirk as he said "yes, yes I am"

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