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One after the other, like ants working in a frenzy, the luxurious cars were arriving at the Gala. Limousines, sports cars... selling one could feed hundreds. Just to be fair, I could probably feed a fair amount of people my self the way I'm dressed tonight.

"Where is your mind running to?" Nathan's voice as soft as a feather broke my thinking bubble. "You're frowning, you know."

"I, uh... just observing what's the fuss all about," I murmured, rearranging my dress.

Nathan's eyes lingered on the fabric cascading on my thighs to my calves. I looked at him mockingly, ready to throw a cutting remark straight at him when we heard an engine roar in front of us, making him divert his attention back on the road.

"You're lying," he said casually as he scratched his chin.

"It's just that I don't know if I did everything right. And seeing all those people arriving... they are just making me anxious."

"Don't be, baby girl. I'm sure you excelled."

Before I was able to reply, Nathan pulled over. The valet opened the passenger's door, holding one arm behind his back while another one offered me his hand to help me out of the car.

The moment I was out of the Impala all I was able to see was a blur of white light coming from the cameras flashing. My heart had started to beat frantically, my anxiety reaching the sky. I never liked to be the center of attention.

"Breathe," Nathan placed a soft kiss on my temple as his reassuring arm wrapped around my waist.

"Can we go inside now?" I groaned, blinking several times to get used to the lightening.

"Yes of course," Nathan started to head towards the entrance of the building while he still held me close when a cough caught our attention.

"Sir," a valet looked at Nathan with his hand extended. "The key."

"Right," Nathan groaned as he examined the face of the guy.

He let the keys fall in the open palm of the valet and looked at him suspiciously. The man replied with a smile while Nathan's eyes kept narrowing threateningly, forcing a laugh out of me. I placed my hand on his arm and squeezed it lightly, forcing him to look at me.

"It's his job," I whispered, giggling.

"But my baby," he whined as the Impala started to take off.

"It's going to be fine, let's get inside now."

Nathan looked at me skeptically, a cut forming between his eyebrows while his lips pursed together. I can't say that I don't get his worry. That's exactly the way I would feel for Beast too.

"But..." he stopped himself from going on, took a deep breath and a luminous smile got back on his lips. "Milady?" He extended his arm for me to take and smiled big once again.

"My lord," I giggled as I wrapped my arm around his, holding my self close to him until we finally entered the building.

My second time to a "party" like that and I still feel like a fish out of the water. No matter how expensive my outfit is, I still feel like I'm putting an act to fit with those people surrounding us. The only positive thing is that Nathan's arms feel like a protective shell to me.

My eyes were scanning the place for Dante. It's been a long time since I've been anywhere near him, and even if I don't like to admit it, I have started to miss his presence. I must have been really concentrated on my search because the only thing that made my attention to divert was Nathan. He placed his forefinger on my chin, pulling my face slightly to face him.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now