Dead Jealous

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There was so much weight that this poor shelf could take. Feeling the shelf receding under me, I wrapped my arms around Nathan's neck firmly and squealed. Nathan didn't have the time to understand what was happening, or... to respond in that matter. All of a sudden, we had both started to descend.

We came down with a big thud. We looked at each other confused before both of us exploded into a loud, hearty laughter. We were covered by the clothes that were previously folded and placed on the shelves but we didn't mind one bit.

"Damn..." Nathan said giggling, while I kept my face covered by my palms.

"What a mess!"

"Will you just look at that!" Nathan pointed towards the broken shelf, hanging from the screws that were previously supporting it. "Well... They don't make them like they used to," he murmured, shrugging.

I arched my eyebrow and looked at him both mockingly and questioningly. Nathan allowed his body to spread over the floor, placing an arm over his eyes to prevent me from questioning him, but his smile gave him away.

He knew very well that I would question him even if he was on the other side of the world. Being next to me, just covering his face was really not an issue to me, and not a chance for my curiosity to fade away.

"You've done this before?" I murmured.


"Don't you -mm- me! Have you done this before? Here?"

Nathan removed his arm from his face, and tilted his head towards me. A voluptuous smile spread ear to ear, making me shiver.

"What if I have?" He smirked provokingly. "Would you be ok with that, baby girl?"

"Yeah, of course." I shrugged, holding my tongue between my teeth firmly in order to keep my mouth shut and not give him the satisfaction to see that I was burning up by the green monster.

"Well... yeah," he shrugged casually. "I was living here after all."

I kept chewing the inner side of my cheek, so hard that I was starting to believe that I would cut the damn thing off. I wrapped a shirt laying on top of me around my body, and I stood up clumsily, purposely pressing violently on Nathan's stomach making him gasp.

"Where are you going?" He murmured laughing while wrapping his legs around mine, trapping me there.

"Nowhere, I need to shower before the gala." I looked at him utterly nonchalant, trying to focus and remain calm.

"What's the hurry? Come here," His sudden motion made me lose my balance, and I found my self nose to nose with a very amused Nathan.

"I really need to shower, and pick up something to wear... make up, hair... you know how long those things take."

"Are you jealous?"

A sly smile started to grow on his lips. The moment he opened his mouth to continue with his teasing, I placed my palm firmly on his mouth. I looked at him with my eyebrows arched, piercing my forefinger between his eyebrows. I could see wrinkles forming under his eyes, betraying the smile he was holding under my hand.

"I swear to God if you continue pestering me I will smother you in your sleep!"

No matter my fierce tone, or my threatening eyes, Nathan kept giggling. I groaned loudly as I took another piece of clothing laying next to us, throwing it over his face, cursing. Nathan though tightened his arms around me, and kept roaring with laughter.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now