Calico Trouble

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"Ok, Colt, I really have to get back to work."

"I'm paying you! You are not going anywhere!"

"What am I supposed to do? I'm not animal control, Dante!"

"I'll let you drive her if you get it out!"

"That sounds kinky..."

I bursted out into laughter to his remark. I loved seeing him that way. I knew it was an offer I could not pass, and it wouldn't cross my way twice.


"Ok, Jesus! Fine, I'll help you."

"Thank you," he smiled as he skimmed the tips of his fingers on my arm. "What are we going to do?"

"Let me get in, and just wait. It must be scared as well, it might need to get used of us."

"Ok, sounds better than the freaking cat food."

I looked at him mockingly as I got inside the car, to the driver's seat. Colt opened the passenger's door and slid in carefully. It feels weird, exchanging the roles. I cleared my throat and started talking to the little cat. After a few tries, the cat started meowing underneath the passenger's seat.

"Is it planning to nest in here?" Dante murmured when I threw him a killer look.


"Will you shut up? Or, if you feel like helping, trying to call it as well."

And the time passed by... And the kitty didn't get out. I started feeling sleepy, barely being able to hold my head straight. As I turned around to take a look at Colt, he was already asleep, with his elbow against the window, supporting his head on his fist.

The little cat meowed, again and again, but it was hidden at some place where we couldn't reach it. Grabbing it by the tail wouldn't seem a very bright idea either now, would be?

I opened the car door gently, trying not to wake up Colt. I stretched slightly, without getting out of my seat, in order to reach my bag. I always carry with me some treats for Angus, or any other stray or puppy I may encounter.

I squinted my eyes, frowning a bit, as I opened the little plastic bag that contained the parmesan- chicken treats. I hope that the cat's hungry, and for a change, come out and eat just a little piece.

I poured some treats in my palm, and placed one next to my foot. Suddenly, I saw a little paw grabbing it underneath the seat once again. Shocked, that it finally made a move, a smile stretched across my face. I turned around to share my joy with Colt, but the Sleeping Beauty, didn't find his prince, yet.

Another treat near my foot, and I could see the top of the cat's head. This time, it took it and didn't retreat. Success! I kept a treat between my fingers, and placed it in front of where the cat was supposed to be.

The kitty took the treat from my hand. Excited, I placed once again my hand lower, for it to reach but this time, the kitty didn't come out. I frowned, keeping a growl trapped between my teeth. I leant a bit at the side, trying to get a glimpse of it but it was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, I thought we were friends," I said in a whisper when I felt Colt moving. I turned around and he was still asleep, thank God! "Will you please come out? I have other things to do!"

"Miss S?"

"What?" I said annoyed, not realizing that Colt has awaken.

"I think I got it," he whispered.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now