New Day

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Isn't the sun always warmer after a long night of thunders and heavy rain? That's exactly how I feel today. Even though I barely slept, intertwined in Nathan's arms, I feel so well rested, so happy and calm.

The sounds of the city didn't sound so loud today. Even the growling of the engine between my legs was calmer, quieter. I decided to go for the fitting before work, knowing it wouldn't take that long.

A sudden wave of sadness passed through me as I passed Emily's floor. I know she will be with the man she loves, happy and well taken care of, but I'm gonna be losing my friend. I sighed deeply and allowed my self to crash on the steel wall of the elevator.

"Miss S," Joshua greeted me unwillingly the moment I stepped out.

"Good morning Joshua! How are you my sweet new friend?" I openly overreacted, trying to make him feel uncomfortable and of course, it worked miracles.

Joshua looked at me suspiciously as I moved towards my office. I held my tongue between my teeth gently in order to stay serious; but the mere moment the door shut behind me, I burst into laughter.

I sat comfortably on my chair, spinning myself around while stretching. My mind is running to different places but none of them answers to the name of work. While dancing on the spot, I've started checking my emails. As expected, there was one from Colt.

"S, I need you in my office at 12:00."

I took a look at the time, I still had two hours ahead of me. I yawned as I started completing one of the tasks for the day. It's a good thing that my program today is not packed.

Absorbed in my work after some time of trying to concentrate, the time eventually flew by, by the end of my project. I squinted my eyes to get used of the light in the room and tapped on my watch before jumping out of my seat.

I straightened my white shirt and headed for the door. As I was turning the handle I realized that I was still wearing my jeans. Skirt policy... Damn it! I took from my bag my pencil skirt and I started unzipping my pants.

Suddenly the memory of Colt inside my office and Nathan coming in flashed through my eyes. I shook my head to get rid off it and locked the door before getting undressed. I don't need more complexities in my life.

"Ready for my meeting," I cheered my self up. "Maybe I could take the rest of the day off. Nothing needs to be completed this week, so I have pretty plenty of time."

Yup, procrastination. My new best friend for the day. My humming/ singing was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I groaned while unlocking to come nose to nose with Joshua.

"Mr. Colt is waiting for you in his office."

"Yeah, I'm heading there right now, thanks," I murmured while sliding behind Joshua.

I raised my hand to knock but I found myself hesitating a little. This man is capable of clouding up my mind and brightening my day at the same time. I feel troubled whenever I come near him. The fact that he has my lover's face doesn't actually make it easier either. I took a deep breath and finally knocked on his door.

"Come in," his husky voice spread chills all over my body.

I pursed my lips together and took the door handle in my hand, slowly opening the door to enter.

"You asked to see me?" I mumbled in a crooked voice.

"Yeah, please, sit."

The sun was falling on his eyes, turning his hazel eyes into honey drops. I took a seat opposite to him and remained still, observing him, while he was finishing typing a text on his phone.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now