Jelly Bean

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"Samantha, my name is Valeria, and I'm pretty sure you already know my lovely friend's name. Please, go on, I'm longing for your advice!"

Samantha re- arranged a lock of her hair and lowered her glasses to the tip of her nose. She raised an eyebrow and smiled broadly to us before she finally spoke.

"Girls, we all know that men are predators. They love the hunt! They a-dore the game, the adrenaline rush they get out of it!"

Samantha stopped and looked at me as if she was analyzing my face. I was frowning, deeply. I know she is right, but I can't stand the thought of Nathan being like that with any woman other than me.

I wrapped my hand around my arm and started chewing my lip. I was irritated, my good mood was hanging on a thread. The dark haired tailor moved closer to me and looked at me in the eyes.

I arched my eyebrow and sighed. Samantha smiled and placed her warm, calloused hand on my cheek. Out of a sudden, she started to laugh, heartily. Her wavy laugh was so contagious that both me and Em joined her very soon.

"Little princess!" She emphasized the words to catch my attention once again, and then continued eagerly, "If a man doesn't run away the moment he listens to a woman talking about marriage, if he doesn't look like someone has shoved a boot inside his butt... and even more if he agrees to do it in a heartbeat like your man did, then you have to stick by his side, hold his hand as firmly as you can, and never -ever- let him go!"

I could feel that I was smiling, unintentionally. I don't know if I was smiling because I was truly happy, truly scared, or truly inspired. As a respond, I started nodding like a mad woman. The woman tapped gently on my shoulder, giving me one of her best smiles and then turned around to continue with her work.

"Samantha?" I mumbled.


"Could I give you a hug?"

The words slipped my mouth instantly. I didn't even know I was thinking about it but suddenly I felt really nostalgic. I really do miss my mom, and the warmth this woman radiates makes me feel very comfortable. Samantha smiled as broad as the opening of her arms.

Without any hesitation I jumped inside her embrace and squeezed her tightly. Samantha stroke my hair gently and giggled softly. As I moved away I let out a sigh of relief. As if the woman has just taken some of the weight I was carrying on my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry for that," I said giggling, while placing a hand on my face.

"A hug is always welcomed little princess," the woman smiled warmly.

"Don't you think you should go meet your man now?" Emily added.

"Don't you want me to stay?"

"Samantha and I have everything under control, isn't that right, Samantha?"

"Ms Emily is right, you should go meet the man behind that beautiful smile of yours."

My heart started dabbing a bit more every minute that passed. I gave another quick hug to my new friend and placed a warm kiss on Emily's forehead before I stormed out of the door of the changing room.

I was still trying to place my clothes in an order when I howled to a taxi to stop. I couldn't stop fidgeting. I was trying to reach Nathan on phone but it turned out to be rather impossible.

A little bit disappointed, I asked the taxi driver to change the address and take me home. I was staring at the trees vanishing right out of my window when my phone has finally rang.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now