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Main Character: Valeria S, secretary/ assistant 

Twin 1: Nathan Gray, soldier 

Twin 2: Dante Colt, CEO 

Pet: Angus, stray border collie 

Best Friend: Emily

Neighbor: Adam 

Brother: Nicholas 

Father: John

After a bad accident in her family, Valeria decides to leave her hometown in search of inner peace, fulfillment and gratification. Leaving behind her Older Brother and Father. Her only company her dog Angus and Beast, her Ducati Monster. 

After some series of unfortunate events she comes across Nathan. Life being life, she finds a job as an assistant of Dante, Nathan's twins. 

She finds her self trapped between the twins. She's craving her boss but she ends up falling in love with Nathan who leaves her in fear that he would hurt her. 

Realizing that her feelings for Nathan won't fade away, she waits for him to comeback from his deployment. 

While she's on a business trip with Dante, Emily informs her about an explosion of the convoy Nathan was serving. 

Devastated, mourning but still hoping, she finds refuge in Dante's arms. 

Our previous story finds our main character and Dante waiting to reveal who's behind the knocking door of her apartment. 

Author's note

Guys, this is it! Anything you wish to ask I'm always available to you. Please, do NOT hesitate. 

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