Betraying Hope

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I have never been afraid of death. Since my early life I had always dealt and greeted him like an old friend. What terrified me was the idea of losing any of my loved ones. Unfortunately, this fear gained flesh and bones. A car accident was responsible for my mother's Anna's, and my baby brother's, Alexander's, death.

I had to break free from my roots back home. I left behind my dad and my older brother. Suddenly a life that I've used to adore became unbearable to me. As a result, I've started traveling across the country with my only company my beloved fury friend Angus and my motorbike, Beast. A repeating image flashes through my mind all this time. The image of the poor young man who had to announce to me the passing of my family.

What a dark and twisted sense of humor does life have? She is a straight Alpha bitch. Yeah, you heard that right. To me, life is a she. A woman with a perfect complexion, two striking eyes and a perfect white suit. Like those women you see on TV; the ones who hold so much power but they do nothing to help the person dying right next to them. A cold hearted bitch. A cold hearted bitch who's just too beautiful for us to take our eyes away from her.

Let's be real, we are never going to be ready to say "goodbye" to anyone that holds a piece of our heart. Isn't it weird how a gesture so simple, like opening a door, or answering the phone could scar you for life? Now I have been doomed to wait once again for the same awful knock on the door I had experienced back then. I had to wait and see if the love of my life was still alive.

"Dante!" I howled, "please wait, I can't! I can't!" I started screaming and crying hysterically as Colt turned the door handle.

"Hey angel, please breathe!" He shut the door behind him and rushed towards me.

His arms created a protective shield around my quivering body as I knelt down. I gasped for air again and again but it seemed that there wasn't enough oxygen in the room. The veins on my neck started popping out as I dug my fingers under his shoulder blades. A couple of minutes later my breathing started getting back to it's normal tempo.

"There, there. Do you want to answer the door together?" His eyes fixed mine full of care.

He has to wait for the news in order to know whether or not his brother is alive. How can I be so selfish? I bit my lip and nodded in approval although I could feel the blood leaving my body.

"Ye- Yeah. Let's do this together," I mumbled.

"Are you sure about it?"

"No. But we have to do it anyway," I whispered.

Colt stood up and gave me his hand to support myself. I placed my hand carefully into his and looked at the door full of fear.

"Shall we?" He whispered.

"Don't leave my hand," I demanded.

"Only if you ask me to," He smiled at me softly while caressing my cheek with his thumb.

Every step we took felt heavier than the one before. I could barely raise my feet from the ground the closer we got to the door. Colt wrapped his palm around the door handle and took a deep breath.

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