Accidentaly on Purpose

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Last night was something out of the ordinary. I couldn't believe that Nathan used to be working side by side with Colt. The fact that he was black listed by his own father and perhaps, his mother, by something he had done in his past was something that was really screwing with my head.

He dropped me at my place, serving me a series of long, intense kisses, and then left. I begged him to stay the night but he insisted that he wouldn't allow me to sleep if he spent the night with me.

And as the sun rose, with the beautiful golden rays spreading in the horizon, I was savoring a cup of hot coffee with my Angus on our little balcony spot. My place may be nothing fancy, but it was my own little castle that I grew to love day by day even more.

Sometimes I miss the simplicity of moments like this. A cup of coffee, a good company and the sun signaling for the new day to shine, to start; for people to start living again after the darkness has faded.

"I must start getting ready Angus," I kept scratching his fuzzy little head while his tail wiggled as fast as it could. "Your little friend is tying her life with Adam's in a few hours..."

I sighed, dropping my head backwards, embracing the morning breeze. I couldn't believe how much things had changed. With Adam and Emily, with me and the twins... With me not wanting to run away anymore.

A part of me was actually relieved for finding a place to belong once again. But there it was... another little black dot hidden in the deepest corner of my mind, screaming that I should keep running.

I shook my head frantically, as if I was just sending the thought away with this motion. I scowled and looked at Angus with an arched eyebrow, mischievously.

"My pretty boy needs his walk, doesn't he?"

Angus started racing around the apartment, over the sofa, over the bed, around the counter... Barking playfully, right before he froze next to his leash.

"Here love," I giggled, connecting his leash to his collar before grabbing my keys.

It was still early in the morning but the Big Apple was already buzzing with by- passers and cars, tracks delivering their products, and taxis rushing to what it seemed like something important.

The air was still moist from the morning dew. I took a deep breath and felt the coolness coming through my nostrils down to fill my lungs. Angus was busy sniffing a tire of a parked car before heading towards an oak tree.

"Hey stranger," a deep husky voice startled me.


I turned around to find my newly found friend, leaning casually on the limousine, puffing a cigarette.

"You haven't seen me in so long that you totally forgot about me, is that it?" Jake asked playfully making me blush.

"I've been... busy. Sorry?" I smirked as I took my place next to him.

Jake blew out some smoke he was holding in, and pointed towards his cigarette, asking me if I wanted to take a puff. I shook my head no and looked at him as he took another puff.

"Not even a text... that busy," he smiled before blowing the smoke out in small circles.

"Your boss is giving me hell sometimes," I shrugged, before releasing Angus from his leash so he could wander a bit farther.

"Who's the little guy?" Jake nodded towards my fluffy perfection.

"That's the man of my life, my one and only, the perfect, the extraordinaire... Angus," I smirked proudly. I was indeed very proud of him. He wasn't just any dog, he was all of that, a part of my family nevertheless.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now