Peachy Dream

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"Adam!" I howled the moment I saw him fidgeting with the peachy colored rose bouquet.

"Valeria!" He rushed towards me, picking me up slightly from the ground in his arms. "I'm so glad you came, I'm freaking out!"

My eyes illuminated with joy. Adam seemed like a teenage boy, waiting for his crush for their first date.

"Freaking out? Man I couldn't even tell," I giggled, punching him softly on his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah... Wait until your time comes, smart mouth!"

All of a sudden I didn't feel like laughing anymore. I coughed nervously, right before I felt an arm wrapping around my waist.

"Adam, looking good man," Nathan shook hands with Adam, who was nervously scanning the place.

Suddenly our little conversation had been interrupted by howls and clapping, the intense brouhaha of the guests. I turned around to find Emily, fixing her dress. She looked stunning! A real life princess, heading to meet the love of her life.

I stood next to Adam, waiting for my friend to walk towards us. I could see him trying to swallow again and again, attempting to suppress his anxiety right before a gasp escaped his lips.

"Relax, she's all yours," I smiled. "You... take care of her for me, will you?"

"Of course, Val," he smiled.

Scattered rose petals were forming a path for Emily to cross. Her best accessory was her luminous smile. I looked at her admiringly as she stood next to her husband to be, ready to exchange their vows.

"My Emily," Adam murmured in a trembling voice. "You danced your way in my life, not leaving me the chance to not fall for you. Your smile makes every day brighter, and life feeling easier whenever I see your eyes," he paused, trying to gain back his composure. "I vow in front of everyone in this room, God himself, that I'll do whatever it takes to keep that smile as bright and loving as the first day I've met you."

Emily was trying hard not to tear up. She turned around and looked at me. I winked at her and whispered "I love you". She took a breath and turned to face Adam once again.

"I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. The warmth your soul radiates is something that no one can miss..." she gasped. "I'm sorry, I can't do this..."

"Emily?" Adam looked at her worryingly.

Silence spread across the room. Nathan looked at me confused, and I shrugged, not knowing what was happening. My heart was racing. My eyes were moving from Adam to Emily, back and forth.

"Please, let me finish?" Emily spoke once again. Adam nodded a bit hesitantly but stood still to her command.

"Em..." He mumbled.

"Hush, please," she smiled. "I don't need this paper to express how I feel about you, Adam. You were the only one I could see a future with. I never thought I would fall so madly in love with anyone like you. So kind- hearted, so loving. I can't wait to start the rest of my life, with you, Adam. I love you!"

The priest looked at the couple, closing the book in his palm, before allowing it to rest on a little table next to him. He placed the rings on their fingers and smiled.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride!"

The whole room started to howl once again. I placed my hand on my chest and looked at them as they shared their first kiss. Emily and Adam ran towards the exit of the chapel and the bridesmaids followed her lead.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now