One Comes, One Goes

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I groaned while rolling my eyes. I couldn't stand him calling my name.


"Let's go, please."

"I'm fine right here, I'm not going anywhere," I said while swirling my drink.

"Let me take you home, I beg you."

"Man you aren't needed here, just leave," Jake said calmly.

Colt looked at him aggressively before returning his gaze towards me.

"I'll carry you if I have to."

"Just leave Dante. I'll let you know when I'm back even though I owe you nothing."

The very moment Dante touched my hand Jake jumped over the bar and pushed him back. Colt's features distorted from anger to Jake's reaction.

"If you don't leave right now I'm calling the security," Jake threatened him once more.

"Valeria is that your final answer?" He looked at me desperately.

"It's already too difficult for me Colt. Just leave me the hell alone."

Colt looked at me defeated once again. He straightened his jacket and headed towards the exit.

"Thank you," I smiled at Jake, holding his hand.

"What was that all about?" he looked at me confused.

"Long story," I shrugged. "Why did you help me?"

"You asked for my help," he winked at me playfully before going back to his post.

"So you help every damsel in distress?" I fluttered my eyelashes before a laugh escaped both of us.

"No, you seem... different."

"What kind of different?"

"You didn't get here to get drunk. You got here because you needed an escape."

"How do you..."

"Know?" He laughed. "I've been a bartender for quite some time. I know how to read people. I know when a girl approaches me because she needs to get laid, because she needs to get drunk or in your case, because she needs to escape."

"A White knight in shiny armor!" I laughed. "So how many ask for your help?"

"Not as many as they ask for sex," he laughed while serving a drink to a man a few seats away.

"Cocky much?"

"You could stick around and see for yourself," an impish smile illuminated his face.

"I think it's time for me to go home. Thank you, for everything, Diné."

"I could call you a cab?"

"I have my bike parked outside," I said while jiggling my keys in front of him. "Thank you, truly. I hope my kiss wasn't as bad as the whole situation."

"Don't worry about it Valeria."

I smiled at him and turned around to leave. Soon enough I felt his hand wrapping around my wrist.

"One second," he said as he searched for something under the bar. "There, found it."

I looked at him wondering what he was talking about when I saw him holding a marker. I arched my eyebrows, staring, as he started writing a number a little higher than my wrist.

PINK MIST PART 2 completedWhere stories live. Discover now