Part 32

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“Where are you gnats?” yelled Gagran as he got to the end of the village. He drove his spear into the ground point first and Kendra was sure he felt the ground judder slightly.

Kendra got up from the well and walked towards Gagran, “They shall not be paying you today,” he shouted.

Looking quizzically at Kendra Gagran called back, “Who are you brother?”

As he got to within 40 feet of the ten giants Thalen’s son replied, “My name is Kendra, I am the champion of Baran, King of Aram.”

“We have no quarrels with the cities of Aram, we are just about our business collecting our king’s tribute.”

“Well we are about the Lord’s business and the tribute we require are your lives.”

Gagran was taken aback slightly and he glanced at the others in his company before looking back at Kendra with a look of inquiry in his face, “We?”

“Yes, we are giant killers.”

“But you are one of us, a Nephilim.”

“My father was one of the Twenty Four.”

At that Gagran picked up his spear and began to run at immense speed towards Kendra.

Kendra also began to run towards Gagran. Knocking the spear away Kendra then lunged at Gagran. The giant was just as quick and dodged out of the way.

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