Part 83

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He appeared behind them and really wanted to laugh for they looked like frogs, crouching on their haunches waddling along.

One of them looked over the bluff, “Where’s that big fellow gone?” he wondered.

“You mean me,” laughed the Nephilim as he revealed his position behind them.

One of the men leapt for him, he sidestepped and hit him with the pommel of his sword causing the man to fall unconscious to the ground. Another swung his club at him which Kendra caught, “So you would take me as a slave?” queried the giant as he forced the club down and out of the man's hands. The third brigand didn't even begin to fight but instead ran in the opposite direction. Kendra smiled at the one whose club he had taken, then punched him in the face. The man fell on the floor.

Carrying both unconscious men back to the carts he saw Salinas coming to greet him.

“How did you get behind them so quickly?” asked the young woman as she stopped in front of the large man carrying two brigands.

“It is something my father taught me,” he replied, blushing in her presence. This is what he wanted though, to be talked to by her for she was fair and kindly of demeanour.

She looked down because she sensed that he liked her in some way.

“Salinas?” called her mother from the cart, “where has that big guard gone to?”

She smiled at him as she shouted, “He is here mother and he has a gift for you.” Her eyes gleamed with fascination for the giant as he passed her and got to the back of the cart.

Sulee looked down at the unconscious men that Kendra had brought her, "Slaves to help me at home, why thank you Er?"

"Kendra, ma'am." To him no man should own another, but here on the earth he had seen some fall into poverty and others fall to the trade in flesh when they went to war and so became slaves. This was just some of the evil that was growing upon the earth. He longed to be back in the Bosom, but he longed more for a wife, a soul mate with which he could share his long existence in that place. Salinas was the one, he felt sure of it and was growing more in love with her daily.

That was in his minds eye. Now that woman was sleeping next to him. He gently removed her arm from his chest. And got up slowly so as not to disturb her. He still had his problem to solve. He went out into the cool of the night. The rock tipped away from the sun at a regular time each day to give them enough darkness to sleep by. He drank some water from the pail that was near the well and pondered how he was to lead the giant army into the trap.

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