Part 81

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“How I will trap the giant army.”

“Did I tell you I saw Melchoi? He has heard that Chelnuk and King Jashnuk are banding together to stand against the giant army.”

“What?” he exhaled as he sat bolt upright in bed.

“What’s the matter with you?” she asked with concern in her eyes.

“I cannot tell you lest the whole plan come to nothing.”

“Well I pray that you can fathom out your problem on your own.”

He smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulder as she rested her head upon his chest. She prayed quietly.

Nodding off he dreamed of how he met his lovely wife. There was no partner for him because Melcho had died. So there was discussion in heaven of how he could travel to the earth to find himself a wife. His father interceded for him and he was given a gift, the gift to travel anywhere he wanted in the blink of an eye to a place he had seen or had been given revelation of. Thalen hugged him and took him to the earth then taught him how to use his gift, the gift that all angels use to travel with quickly if they do not have wings. He concentrated and appeared back in the Bosom at his mother’s house. Thalen also appeared there, “Now you must travel the earth to find a wife, but do not tarry there too long or you will be affected by the evil that resides there. Two angels have been appointed to guard you Puleyn and Danen.”

At this he saw two other angels appear in his home. Both smiled and nodded.

“Which is Danen and which Puleyn?” he inquired.

The fair haired angel stood forward, “I am Puleyn.”

“And I am Danen,” said the dark haired one. They both glowed with a holiness that lit the surrounding landscape. “We are pledged to guard your life upon the earth.”

He nodded, “Thank you.”

At first he did not know what to do with his new found freedom. He travelled to one of the small cities that were close to the centre of the earth. But this was full of the ungodly and he fought with some of them for he was not used to such ungodliness. He also met the giants who were in the earth, the offspring of the evil angels and was immediately set upon wherever he encountered them. Puleyn and Danen had to guide him to places where he did not meet the evil Nephilim.

He saw a woman in one of the cities, the daughter of a merchant, who took his eye. So he took a job with her father to be close to her. She was fair and many men tried to court her, but had been unsuccessful. Kendra was employed for his size, to load and unload carts and to guard them on trading trips. To win her father’s favour he had to be away for long long periods of time, but it was worth it to see her smile at him when he returned.

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