First day back.

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Luna's P.O.V.
We look out the window to see screaming girl getting held back my the ropes and police officers.

"Really to have some fun?" Robbie smirked.

"You and Parker go ahead, I'll stay back with Jerome." I say.

"Oh but look." Parker looks out the window. Some girls held up signs with Pan and Luna forever or Long live Luna and Pan, or We heart Robbie Kay and Luna Pan. But there were a few that stood out.

Some girls had known about Jerome being on the show so there were signs that said Jerome and Luna forever. And all that stuff.

"Ok, I'm running with you guys." Jerome smirked.

"Yeah." All three boys high five. We all get out and go through the crowd of screaming girls. I went around giving high fives and taking selfies. When I was done with one selfie, I saw Robbie leaning into all the girls, smirking at me as the girls grabbed onto him.

I chuckled and take a picture as I hear someone scream.

"Do the wing thing!" Robbie managed to get over to me and I smirk, flaring my wings as a huge gust of wind flys around. Everyone cheers as we see the director ushering us in the studio. All four of us run into the building as the security guards close the door.

"Are they always like this?" Jerome asked.

"On their good days." Robbie says.

"I'd like to see them on their bad day."

"No you don't." Robbie says.

About 10 at night, we were already on set, wrapping up the episode. Robbie and I were off set while Jerome was in the best scene yet. He just found out that his mother has been murdered.

He, his father and the detective were all sitting down.

"Do you know why you're here?" The detective asked.

"Did you find out who killed my mother?" Jerome asked.

"You killed your mother Jerome." Jerome looked stunned after that.

"Me?" Jerome asked.

"You killed her up on that hill and the Joker let you clean up in his trailer." The detective looks at the man next
to Jerome. The man had neon green hair that was slicked back. His face was pale and he had a tattoo of a smile on his left hand covering most of his back hand. 

"He told you to scratch the Satanist stuff on the hatchet and throw it off the bridge."

"Sir, that's absurd and inoffensive." Jerome holds back tears.

"But it's the truth." The detective said blankly.

"What I don't know is why this man risked so much to help you." The older gentlman layed back and glared at the detective.

"I think he's your father." Jerome just looks at the detective and scoffs, looking at the man.

"You don't know what you're talking about. My father was a sea captain." The detective looked at a girl who was leaning on the wall.

"Am I wrong Mr. Joker ?" The detective looks at the table.


"He was a sea captain and his name was Sven Karlsen. He died at sea." Jerome says.

"What was the name of his ship?" The detective asked.

"He worked on a lot of different ships." Jerome told him.

His queen. Sequel to His love. (Peter Pan OUAT) Robbie Kay fan fiction.  Where stories live. Discover now