Chapter 60

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Near the Elevator 

Musgrave pulled Mulder and William out of the shaft. Dropping to his knees, Mulder tried to unhook the belt buckle from behind his neck, but his arms and hands were useless. He couldn't feel them, never mind move them. To his surprise, Musgrave unhooked the buckle and gently lowered Will to the ground. 

"It appears his arm is broken, but I wouldn't worry about it. His body will heal itself," Musgrave stated. 

"BJ?" Mulder questioned. 

"No," Musgrave replied. "I am not your shape-shifting friend." 

"I don't understand." 

"Why I would bother to help you when all along, I've wanted to kill you?" 

"For starters," Mulder said not trusting Musgrave. 

"I have my reasons." 

Mulder looked at the super-soldier and saw something he'd never seen before - compassion. But there was more to it. There was a hint of fear as well. 

"You saw it, didn't you? You saw what I saw. You know who he is." 

"Let's just say that I've had a glimpse into humanity. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Mulder. You and I are still very much enemies." 

"But right now we face a common threat. Is that it?" 

"There are worse things than humans," Musgrave acknowledged. 

"Will?" Mulder touched his son's face as the boy moaned and began to stir. 

"Leave him," Musgrave warned. "The boy is every bit as powerful when asleep as he is when awake - maybe even more so. It's better for him if he doesn't wake up, or the pain might overwhelm you both." 

Mulder knew Musgrave was right. If Will came to, there was nothing he could do medically speaking, to ease his pain. 

"Where's Scully?" 

"First things first," Musgrave ordered. "Your friends on the ship," he said, picking Will up in his arms. "Don't worry. The others will be fine for now. After all, he wants everyone." 

Mulder rose to his feet. Every bit of his body hurt, but he brushed it aside and held out his arms. 

"Wait to regain your strength," he said. "It's nothing for me to carry the boy." 

"I don't think so," Mulder said, unsure of Musgrave's newfound motives. 

"Very well," he said, "but you'll slow us down, and there's very little time." 

"That's okay. It's my time," Mulder said, taking Will into his arms. 

"No, it isn't," Musgrave countered. "It's you son's." 


Having no sooner stepped out of the central command center some thirty minutes ago, they were plagued by more than a dozen aliens who hungered for a meal such as them. Skinner and Grant ran as fast as they could, hoping that sooner or later they'd recognize something that would lead them to one of the ship's exits. 

After spending the last of their ammo to drop the aliens closest to them, they tossed their M16's aside, glad to be rid of the added weight. Besides that, it was easier to navigate the narrow walkways without the weapons, which were always banging into or catching onto something. 

And so they ran. The cold of the ship was a welcome slap against the sweat that clung to every inch of their bodies. The exertion of the last several hours was gaining as much ground as the aliens. How much longer could they continue this pace before they would be overtaken? 

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