Chapter 18

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Hill City, KS 

Will felt like he'd barely fallen asleep inside the empty car when the train slowed and came to a stop. Hearing voices, he moved quickly to peer out the open boxcar. Two men walked away from the train. A third man emerged from a building where they met, talked briefly and then moved off towards a parking lot. Moments later, they were gone. 

With caution, Will climbed out of the boxcar and looked about. There was a single telephone pole with a light on it that was just bright enough to illuminate the station area. By all appearances, it was the end of the line. No more than half a mile up the street, Will reached the town center. The only activity was a small, all-night diner whose interior lights filtered out into the street, lighting the pavement directly in front of it. 

The tinkle of bells sounded overhead as Will opened the door. All three customers turned in his direction. Unimpressed, they went back to their conversations and cups of coffee. Sitting in a booth by the window, Will periodically brushed aside the gingham curtain, mindful that he had to keep watch for the shadow men. Looking out at the rhythmic blinking yellow light in one direction and red in the opposite direction, he wondered why he'd not noticed it before.  

"You're way past bedtime, son," an old black man said as he came to take Will's order. 

"I couldn't sleep," Will yawned. 

"Lying's no way to start off a friendship. Where you running to?" 

"Why's everyone ask that? I'm not running. I'm looking for my mother." 

"In Hill City?" 

"No. This place is just on the way." 

"I see. Well, you must be hungry." 

"I could eat a horse," Will piped up. 

"Fresh outta horse. Sorry," the man grinned warmly. 

Though he was tired, the thought and smell of food awakened Will's senses. He couldn't remember his last meal. He'd been living on candy bars, chips and whatever snacks were available at the bus stations. There had been very little variety. 

"You're in luck though because BJ's cooking tonight." 

"And that's a good thing?" Will questioned. 

"Don't nobody come in when Clarence is at the grill." 

"But the name of the place..." 

"I know," the man said, pointing to a small sign over the wall-mounted menu. "Clarence and BJ's Diner, but I'm telling you, you're lucky BJ's cooking. So what'll it be?" 

Will glanced up at the menu. It all looked good. 

"A cheeseburger, fries, chocolate milk and apple pie." 

"You're in luck. That's about all that's left," he said and turned towards the kitchen. 

Will watched, expecting the man to call towards the kitchen with the order. Instead, he put an apron on, tied it in back and moved through the swinging gate where he started cooking behind a half wall. When the man looked up over the wall that separated the kitchen and dining areas, he motioned for Will to step back to the grill. 

"So you're BJ," Will said as he passed through the gate. 

"True enough." 

"So where's Clarence?" 

"Over there," BJ said, pointing towards the corner. Will's eyes lit up at the sight of an old brown and white Bassett hound, asleep in the corner. 

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