Chapter 20

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Burger Joint - Festus, MO 

"You better slow down boy," BJ said, taking his time on the plate of fries that were before him. 

"No way," Will countered. "I'm so hungry, I could eat a..." he stopped mid-sentence, thinking about his horse, DC. The food in his mouth grew pasty, impossible to swallow. Appetite gone, Will pushed the burger away. 

"You'll see him again, Will. Don't you fret," BJ said, referring to the tear that graced Will's cheek, which he quickly wiped away. "There'll be lots of tears in this life... tears of sorrow and joy - each for a different reason. You hold tight to the ones that make your heart swell, and you let the good Lord cleanse you with the others." 

"You sound like my dad." 

"Smart man your father. Tell me about him." 

Without planning to, Will poured his heart out with regard to all that had taken place. When there was nothing more to say, he lowered his head. 

"Look at me, boy. That's a mighty load for a youngun' to be shoulderin'. But I suspect there'll be folks in your path to help you through this. Things ain't always what they seem. Your folks... the ones that raised you... they're always gonna be a part of who you are. Ain't no takin' that away from you coz they're in you," he confirmed, poking Will's heart. 

"I miss them, BJ. I miss them so much." 

"Can see that scar on your heart plain as day. But don't let that fester and grow any bigger. You drop that guilt you're carryin'. Wasn't your fault what happened to 'em. Wasn't your fault you couldn't save 'em. It just wasn't in the plan for you to do so. I know you can't see it now because you got too much cloudin' the way but this journey you're on, it's part of a plan. You got to trust me 'bout that." 

"I don't know who to trust." 

"Feels that way, I reckon, but you got BJ with you now. I ain't gonna let no one hurt you. You're safe... for a spell anyway." 

"What do you mean, for a spell?" 

"You and I both know you're a special boy, Will. "Don't you worry none. Your secret's safe with me." 

"How do you know?" 

"That's a story for another time... when you're ready." 

"But I am ready." 

"You just chew on what you sense is comin' cause it's nearer than you think." 

"How do you know about all this?" 

"Cause I been livin' it all my life and like you, I've been chosen. See here?" BJ opened the collar of his shirt, revealing a seal on his chest. "This is how you'll tell." 

"Tell what?" 

"This tells who is with you." 

"Others have that?" 

"Not many yet, but they will. Even when you don't want to, you got to trust those with the seal. You grasp what I'm sayin'? There's a bad sign too. It's harder to see. They pretty much keep 'em covered." 

"The things on their necks?" 

"Then you know." 

"I've seen it... the girl on the bus. Who are they?" 

"They were human once, but evil got hold of 'em and made 'em a part of it. But you and I both know you got the power to keep 'em away. You just got to learn how to control that power you carry." 

"How? I didn't even know I had it until those men grabbed me and I..." 

"Killed 'em?" 

"I didn't mean to. It happened so fast... and I didn't kill them. They came back. The same ones came back! I saw them!" 

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