Chapter 50

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General Musgrave's Medical Bay 

The physician worked around the clock as ordered by General Musgrave to find a way to incorporate the boy's DNA into the biochemistry of the super-soldiers. Being one himself, he didn't tire, didn't need to stop for coffee breaks, sleep or bathroom breaks. He worked feverishly and with intensity in the pursuit of perfection among his race. Now if he could just get it to work, nothing would be able to stop the sleeping army of super-soldiers. Nothing. 

He looked up from the microscope he'd been peering through, observing the blood sample on the slide. A faint sound had rousted him from his observation and brought him around in his chair. There was nothing behind him except for the boy who remained unconscious, lying on the metal table. 

Rising to his feet, the physician moved towards the boy. He took no precaution since he feared nothing. The sound caught his attention a second time. Something was in the room, but what? He stopped, looked and listened. 

Will's hand twitched ever so slightly. The physician noted it immediately. He walked closer, his eyes drawn to the hand where the needle had been secured beneath the boy's skin, administering the sedative to hold him captive. But what was that near the needle, near the surgical tape that held the needle in place? 

As he approached, the physician grew puzzled by what he saw; a tiny bee had lighted on the boy's hand near the needle. He watched with interest. The insect seemed oblivious to his presence. It was more interested in the tiny droplet of blood that had formed during the puncturing of the skin. As if the pin-pricked skin were a flower, the bee moved its legs all about the blood, coating them in the same manner it would pollen. The physician didn't know why it would do such a thing. It was so uncharacteristic of the insect, and so he watched with interest until the bee determined enough was enough. It stopped, looked at the physician and flew directly at him. 

Casually, the physician swatted at the bee, sending a slight brush of air that sent it away from him. It cut around to one side and came up behind him, landing squarely on his neck. Without hesitation for its own life, it sunk its stinger into the rigid skin at the top of the second protrusion. Flying quickly away, it disappeared into the ventilation shaft. 

Feeling a tingling on his neck, the physician reached back and rubbed the area. Something had punctured his skin and when his fingers identified it, he pulled it out, bringing the tiny stinger under closer observation. 

Next, he experienced a tingling sensation that made its way upward into his brain. While evaluating the situation, he dropped to his knees, losing strength with each passing second, trying all the while to understand what was taking place. 

But there would be no understanding, no comprehension as to why his brain was being pulled inward - pulled magnetically by the mixing of the boy's DNA with that of the bee. It really didn't matter because the combination of the two had an amazing affect. 


Moments later Will's eyes blinked open and closed in an attempt to focus in the brightness of the medical bay. The antiseptic smell quickly keyed him in to the fact that he was no longer on the battleship. Tilting his head to one side, his brain began to register what had happened. He shot up quickly - too quickly in fact and in no time at all, he was head down over the far side of the table, vomiting as a result of the sedative. 

He lay on his side, waiting for the wave of nausea to pass. The next time he sat up, he did so more cautiously than before. Wiping his arm across his mouth and wishing the bitter taste would leave him, he spit on the floor. It wasn't going to make any difference, seeing as the contents of his stomach had already settled there. 

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