Chapter 31

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Motel Room - Eastham, MA 

Will sat against the headboard of the motel bed, concentrating on a game and trying to beat it on the tablet Skinner loaned him. Mulder was around the corner at the sink. 

"Damn," he said half under his breath, rummaging through his small athletic bag, looking for a razor. 

Not finding one, he lowered his head over the sink and rinsed the shaving cream from his face. Wiping his face on a hand towel, he walked into the bedroom and opened one of the bureau's drawers. Rifling through several t-shirts, he settled on a navy blue one and slipped it over his head. 

"I'm hitting the c-store next door. You need anything?" 

"Need or want?" 

"You catch on fast," Mulder smirked. "What's your poison?" 

"Grape soda." 

"Some breakfast." 

"It's not breakfast. This," Will smiled, holding up an unopened candy bar, "is breakfast. The soda's for washing it down." 

"Well, enjoy that because when you get to be my age, you'll have to run five miles to keep that off here," he said, patting his stomach. "Kids," he muttered, shaking his head and moving towards the door where he stopped short. "Um... rumor has it you don't like being called William." 

"Skinner ratted me out." 

"He meant well. If I remember correctly, Lewis called you Will." 

"You don't mind?" 

"Fine by me, but you're going to have to convince Scully," he said on his way out. 

"Piece of cake!" Will called out after him. 

Leaving the door slightly ajar, Mulder knocked on the door of the next unit over, talking briefly with Skinner. Within seconds of his departure, Skinner walked into the room, closing the door behind him. 

"You told him I don't like being called William. How come?" 

"I remember what it was like." 


"Walter," he said matter of fact. "Not the most exciting name to go through life with." 

"What's your middle name?" 


"Oh," Will duplicated the face Skinner had just made. 

"That's why it's Skinner." 

"But Skinner's cool," Will piped up as the man sat down next to him. 

"What's the game?" 

"Road Rage. You ever play?" 

"Wouldn't know the first thing about it." 

"But you know how to drive." 

"That's debatable," Skinner said, recalling the barbed wire fence he'd driven through. 

"Come on," Will said, sliding over to make room."I'll show you. It's easy," he grinned, knowing he was about to beat Skinner - just like he'd beaten Mulder. 

Convenience Store 

Mulder searched the refrigerated cases for a grape soda. Two men in military uniform cruised through the junk food aisle behind him. 

"It's my day off. Why didn't you call someone else? 

"Michelson got sick. You're next on rotation. What's the big deal? You're getting paid." 

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