Chapter 47

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Underground Facility - Atlantic Ocean 

Three soldiers made their way down the hallway and crossed into an area designated, Pad Site - Restricted Area - Off Limits. They were met by two armed guards who meant to turn them around and send them on their way. However, they quickly overpowered the guards, dragged them into a storage closet and eliminated them. 

Talking briefly among themselves, they determined which two would replace the guards and which one would go on ahead. Moving to port arms, two of the men assumed the dead guards' positions while the other man continued past the heavy steel door. 

As he made his way through the doorway, his features changed. No longer was he the young soldier who helped to subdue the armed guards. His chiseled features revealed the face of someone much more powerful, much more sinister - General Musgrave. 

Thirty Miles from the Underground Facility - Atlantic Ocean 

The group listened as Admiral Scully finished the overview of his plan of action. They were aware of the risk they were taking but until now, they'd not given much thought to the risk being taken by the various armed forces' crews. 

The Navy by all appearances, would be participating in a mock training exercise. In actuality, their mission was to protect all parties involved to include the crew of the Coast Guard's Escondido and the WHOA Atlantis. 

For the most part, the Escondido was armed and could take care of itself, holding a position close to the Atlantis should an evacuation become necessary. After all, those on the Atlantis were sitting ducks since the ship itself was a research vessel and had no weaponry on board, so to speak. 

"There's one more thing I'd like to say before you head out," Bill cleared his throat. "I'm not going to stand here and pretend that I buy into your alien colonization theory," he paused, his eyes coming to rest on Dana. "But I do believe there's something subversive out there and if it's a threat to national security, then it needs to be addressed. I see that all of you strongly believe in what you're doing, and I respect you for that. I want you to rest assured, we will do everything in our power to ensure your safety," he said and then glanced quickly at his watch. "Very well. Your departure is at 21:30... twenty minutes from now. God speed." 

Bill stepped down from the small platform he was standing at and headed straight for Dana. He led her out of earshot from the others, pulling her close in a brotherly embrace. 

"Dana, you don't have to do this." 

"We've gone over this already. William's down there." 

"But there's no reason you have to go," he looked at the group preparing to leave. "Let me send some of my men in your place. They're highly trained for special ops. I mean, take a look at this group. What do you have here? Two FBI agents, a college student, a mercenary, three tech heads and..." he stopped short, not sure what term to use for Mulder. 

"William's father," she finished his sentence. 

"You're telling me that the nine of you are going to enter some underwater military compound the size of... of who knows what, find William and escape without being detained?" 

"That's not what I'm telling you." 

"Then how do you plan to pull this off?" 

"Look, I appreciate everything you're doing to help us, Bill. Really, I do. But just cover our backs, and leave William to us. Mulder and I will..." 

Bill looked away at the mention of Mulder. Not wanting to get into the same argument that always found its way between them, Scully stopped. Her jaw tightened the way it always did when she had more to say but refused to fall victim to a disagreement. Instead, she looked briefly at the group as they milled about before she returned her attention to her brother. 

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