Chapter 57

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Battle over the Atlantic 

Thirty miles from the facility, a battle raged. The Alvin, the small MOI submersible which had been silent on the ocean floor between the Atlantis and Escondido, released two buoys when the USS Musgrave settled above it. Though it had no weapon systems of its own, the buoys contained healthy payloads of nitroglycerin and TNT. They struck the underbelly of the Musgrave where the ship was vulnerable, spilling ocean water into the huge holes the explosives had opened up. 

Immediately following, the Escondido's three MH-60T Jayhawks took to the air. Without mercy, they pounded the Musgrave and its crew with their 50-caliber armor piercing rounds, cast specifically for this mission. Each round contained a significant amount of magnetite, designed to disperse on impact, tearing away at the super-soldiers. 

Volley after volley, the Escondido and the Atlantis used every weapon their ships had been refitted with, attempting to destroy the alien aircraft that was topside on the Musgrave. Only a few made it to the air, but they quickly destroyed the Jayhawks. Fortunately, they fell to the same destruction as targets of the Escondido's 62-mm anti-missile machine guns. 

As the Musgrave sent its army of super-soldiers outward to board the Escondido and Atlantis, it became a battle for human survival. Equipped with magnetite ammo in their guns, they surprised their enemies. Because of their superior strength, the aliens hadn't even armed themselves, believing all along that they would simply overpower the humans with their hands. 

Hours later when the battle was over, when the Musgrave began to sink in earnest, McGuinness and Delony looked out from the deck of the Escondido. Every ship had sustained heavy damage. Even the Alvin resting on the ocean's floor had been destroyed. 

The critically injured were moved to the Atlantis - the Escondido absorbed those with lesser injuries. The Vincent would eventually become a ghost ship as it took on water. 

"Contact the Atlantis," McGuinness ordered Delony. "Tell them to head to port. They need to get the injured back home. We'll stay on here." 

"Right away, Sir." 

McGuinness looked the length of his ship. She'd taken a hell of a beating, but she was still afloat. He was thankful for that. He was even more thankful he wasn't Admiral Scully. It would be hard enough explaining the damage to his own ship. Losing an air craft carrier and explaining that to the Navy... he was glad he was a member of the Guard. 

Underground Tunnel 

Frohike had just set the final charge in the eleventh tunnel when a transmission came through. 

"Guys," he called to the others, signaling them to join him. "How many?" he asked the person on the other end of his cell while taking care to remain fixed on his watch's second hand. "Okay, I will." 

He tossed the cell phone to the pavement knowing it was good for only one communication to avoid detection. The others waited to hear his report. 

"Our boys topside just reported in. They've been in a hell of a battle since sun up. But gentlemen, they won!" 

Langly and Byers cheered. Jeremiah was more subdued, knowing the enemy would not be so easily defeated. 

"What of the Musgrave?" he asked. 

"Setting up housekeeping with the fishies," Frohike answered. 

"Awesome!" Langly expressed his sentiments. 

"Unfortunately, so is the Vincent." 

"Not so awesome," Byers added. "Is Scully's brother okay?" 

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