Chapter 55

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USCGC Escondido and MOI Atlantis - Atlantic Ocean 

The Escondido and Atlantis rounded the front of the USS Vincent, one at each end, coming to an all stop some fifty feet in front of the carrier. They positioned themselves parallel to one another, leaving more than enough room for the USS Musgrave to pull in between them. 

The crews had been informed that they were not to resist until the Musgrave's crew attempted to board. It would be their only chance of surviving seeing as the alien ship made even the air craft carrier look small. Its massive black hull looked impenetrable, but McGuinness had been warned about what he was up against. It was just a shame that Admiral Scully hadn't listened to his sister. McGuinness could have used the extra manpower and might of the carrier. 

McGuinness witnessed the arrogance of his enemy as they approached. The way they maneuvered their ship without hesitation between the two US vessels proved they expected no resistance. Good. 

He'd prepared and taken every possible precaution to win this battle and though his crew was more adapt at fighting drug runners and smugglers, once they were given knowledge of the enemy, they were ready for action. After all, this enemy hadn't come to destroy them alone. They'd come to take their homes, their country, their planet, and these men weren't going to take it lying down. If they accomplished nothing more than buying the world some time, so be it. They'd seen this enemy in action - seen what it had done to the Vincent. They would fight to the death. 

USS Musgrave - Somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean 

On the Musgrave, Captain DuBois didn't hesitate. General Musgrave commanded him to take the ships, take the prisoners and bring them into the facility for replacement. That's exactly what he intended to do. 

"Captain," his sonar man signaled him. 

DuBois motioned to his communications officer to make the connection. 

"What is it?" he questioned the man on the speaker. 

"Sir, there is a submersible sitting on the ocean floor directly beneath us." 

"What kind of threat does it pose?" 

"No threat. It appears to be a two, possibly three-man craft... dead in the water, Sir. I've detected no weaponry." 

"Very well. Report at once if the status changes." 

"Yes, Sir." 

The connection was cut. 

"These humans are weak and insignificant," DuBois reported to the officer standing next to him. "They are hardly worth the effort if you ask me." 

"Agreed, Sir. To give up without a fight proves their weaknesses." 

"Yes. Well, we have our orders. Prepare the boarding parties. General Musgrave wants the prisoners transported to the facility at once without delay. We don't want to keep the General waiting." 

Ventilation Shaft 

There was a feeling in the air, when for only a brief moment, time paused. The queen felt it and understood the command behind it. The sacrifice had been made. Blood had been shed willingly. It was now her turn to act, her turn to sacrifice. 

Unlike all the times when her children had taken care of her, she was now to lead, to do what she'd been charged to do when she'd received the blood. She'd taken it; she'd shared it. Why? She didn't know. She knew only what the blood commanded, and so she danced - danced out the directive - danced out the location - all the while working her children into a frenzy. Had she tried to hold them back, it would have been impossible. 

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